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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

Sequence 9: Assassin[]

New Abilities[1]
  • Shadow Concealment: Assassins possess the ability to Conceal themselves within darkness and Shadows, allowing them to hide from their targets.[2][3]
    • Sprinting at full speed weakens the effectiveness of this ability.[4]
  • Physical Enhancement: Assassins will experience various improvements in their body, making them excel in combat, evasion, and Concealment.
    • Their body shape is slightly adjusted to be more suitable for assassinations which brings about a slight change in appearance, those with extra weight will experience minor weight loss.[5]
    • An Assassin's passive physical capabilities have also been enhanced, granting them excellent footwork, nimble limbs, and extraordinary speed, among other enhancements.[6][4]
    • Besides their enhancements in their body and being suited for assassinations, they are able to slightly modify their bodily functions for a short period of time.
      • Feather Fall: An Assassin can change their body to become as light as a feather, allowing them to descend gracefully or glide through the air.
        • Leaping from a six floor distance and landing safely is an effortless feat for Assassins.[7]
      • Mighty Blow: An Assassin possesses the ability to alter their body in a way to have the ability to release all their physical strength in one blow.
        • Other Sequence 9-8 Beyonders will struggle to avoid a Mighty Blow, especially if the Assassin stealthily approached them.[8]
  • Heightened Senses: They possess sharp ears and an eagle-like vision.[9]
    • Night Vision: Assassins are able to easily see through darkness.[10]

Sequence 8: Instigator[]

New Abilities[1][11]
  • Instigation: Instigators are adept at triggering the evil desires deep in people's hearts, causing them to do various violent crimes and actions. This ability has both passive and active effects.[12]
    • Along with having improved thinking and analytical skills, the passive effect of Instigation lets them feel what others are feeling (i.e. emotions, desires, and even malice).
    • Even without speaking, using Instigation actively as an ability will make an Instigator appear reliable and approachable, making people think better of them.
    • With Instigation and clever talking, they can plant certain thoughts or desires in someone’s mind, making them choose to act in the way they want.
      • Instigators are able to Instigate people into starting up fights, committing crimes, and escalating conflicts without being noticed.
      • Instigators are also able to easily Instigate people into believing their lies and misdirection through their words and actions.
Strengthened Abilities[11]
  • Physical Enhancement: From the foundation of an Assassin, their bodies get stronger but their combat abilities aren't significantly improved.

Sequence 7: Witch[]

Gender Transition
  • If a male were to drink this potion, their gender will be changed to that of a female.
New Abilities[1][13]
  • Charm: A Witch's appearance and charm will be enhanced significantly.[13]
    • The details of their face will become more exquisite and alluring.
    • The ratio of their body parts will have approached perfection.
    • Their height would be increased by a little.
  • Black Magic: A Witch will gain various Black Magic bestowed by the potion, however, they cannot delve into spell study and master new incantations like Warlocks.[14]
    • Black Fire: They can conjure Black Flames from their body.
      • They can envelop weapons within Black Flames, upon successfully hitting a target with such a weapon, they can detonate the flames coursing within the target's body from a distance.[15]
      • They can compress a dense Black Flame in their palm, which they can throw upon fully forming, it would hit with the force of a cannonball while spreading flames.[16]
      • These Black Flames differ from the more conventional flames like that of a Pyromaniac's, Black Fire ignites Spirituality rather than physical matter.
        • This allows Spirit Bodies, like Wraiths, to be targeted and incinerated.[17]
        • This also prevents it from extinguishing underwater.[18]
    • Frost: They gain the blessing of Frost and can cast spells related to it.
      • They can open locks by freezing the inside of the keyhole and forming the correct key.[19]
      • They can freeze the floor which materializes ice, allowing them to control movement.
        • Encasing the floor in ice can be used to restrict enemy movement by making it slippery.[15]
        • Small patches of Frost that sharply reduces friction allows them to run more quickly.[18]
      • They can freeze a large area to gather ample materials for Mirror Substitution.[20]
      • They can cause a cold frosty wind to blow near their surrounding area.[21]
      • They can encase a target in layers of Frost to create an icy Seal.[16]
    • Mirror: This is one of their core abilities, allowing them to manipulate mirrors.
      • Mirror Substitution: They have the ability to utilize mirrors as a medium to create substitutes that can take damage in their place.
        • They can also make substitutes for others provided that they meet these 2 conditions.[22]
          1. They have a medium to establish such a connection (blood, hair, etc.).
          2. Their target is within no less than 30 meters from them.
        • This ability utilizes a Witch's mirror self, each use would mean their counterpart's death, although the Mirror Person would later revive by splitting off from their real world counterpart.[23][24]
      • They possess the ability to hide within mirrors, though they are not able to travel between them and are only able to remain inside for a few seconds.[18]
      • They have a unique method of detecting mirrors.[18]
    • Curse: They can Curse targets through blood or other media like a doll made from flesh or hair.
      • Once the connection has been established they can use Black Fire to burn the medium, incinerating their target from within.
        • Targets of a Curse can shield themselves by mystically cutting off their connection to the medium or by transferring it through substitution abilities.
    • They can use other Black Magic spells including but not limited to:
      • Staff Substitution: Similar to Mirror Substitution, Witches are able to use staves as a medium for substitutes in order to counteract fatal harm.
      • Bloodline Curse: Through a medium, they can curse any target within the bloodline the medium represents using this special type of Curse.[14]
      • By using black powder and an incantation, a Witch can surround their target with ghostly figures that press against their body.[25]
      • Invisibility: By scattering shimmering powder and reciting an incantation, a Witch can turn Invisible to the naked eye.[26]
  • Divination: Upon reaching this Sequence, a Witch will possess considerable Divination capabilities, naturally mastering the use of Magic Mirror and Staff Divination.[27][28]
    • Anti-Divination: They also are able to interfere with others' Divination.
    • Learning other forms of Divination Arts are also easy for a Witch.[29]

Sequence 6: Pleasure (Demoness of Pleasure)[]

New Abilities[30]
  • Threads: Demonesses of Pleasure can make thin, almost invisible Threads like a spider's silk, and use them to control and restrict the enemy's movements. Their hair is the source of their spider silk.[31]
    • A trail of broken Threads could give a Pleasure information of the enemy's size and movements and can be delicate enough to go undetected.
    • Their Threads can form a cocoon that helps the user recover from damage while also guaranteeing them some protection against attacks.
    • Their Threads, upon contact can envelop a target in true Pleasure, causing them to spasm and lose control over their body.
    • Their Threads can be stuck or tied to walls, tangling enemies who walk through them and slowing them down.

Strengthened Abilities[30][32][33][34][35][36][37]

  • Their abilities as a Witch have been enhanced.
    • Charm: They will become more beautiful, making them better at seduction and providing unforgettable pleasure to the same or opposite gender during sex.
      • A Demoness, especially one who was in the midst of or having passed the Pleasure Sequence, had a charm that far exceeded its normal effects when shown to males. Every action was filled with a Charm that made any men who came close to them feel intoxicated and lost.[30]
        • In a sense, it was like consuming opioids and gradually developing into something more serious, to the point of not being able to extricate oneself from the pleasure given by them. Such a charm can even effect gay men.[32][33]
    • Black Magic: Their Black Magic capabilities as a Witch have been greatly improved.
      • Their Frost and Black Fire capabilities have been received a qualitative enhancement.
        • They can trap Spirit Bodies in Frost encased mirrors surrounded with Black Flames.[35]
        • They can encase themselves in Ice to defend themselves from various attacks.[34][37]
        • They can substitute themselves by liquefying themselves like melting ice.[36]
        • They are able to conjure up and throw frost spears at their targets.
      • The speed at which they can substitute themselves via Mirrors and Staffs has increased.
        • They will also gain some measure of recuperation after substituting themselves.[30][34]
      • A Demoness of Pleasure can Curse a target by having a mirror reflect their full figure.[30][34]
  • A Demoness of Pleasure's capabilities as an Assassin and Instigator has also been greatly improved.[30]
    • Physical Enhancement: They have a strong throat control. Hence, they are not easily choked.[33]
    • Heightened Senses: Their vision has been enhanced, allowing them to see their own threads.

Sequence 5: Affliction (Demoness of Affliction)[]

New Abilities[9][38][39][40]
  • Disease: A Demonesses of Affliction can create multiple airborne pathogens that have their infection speed and the onset of diseases supernaturally accelerated.
    • The initial range is 30 meters, going up to 50 meters upon full digestion of the potion.
      • They can spread diseases at a larger range if they utilize the wind correctly.
    • The infection and onset of disease vary based on the constitution of their targets.
      • Once infected, the initial 10 seconds are the incubation period, followed by mild symptoms like allergies, fever, cough, and sneezing
      • After 20-30 seconds, the target will begin to experience symptoms of more dangerous illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis.
      • After 2-3 minutes, the disease will become critical as the target begins to experience cardiac arrest or a brain aneurysm.
    • Flames created by a Pyromaniac (and other similar abilities) are able to kill most of the pathogens created by a Demoness of Affliction, reducing the pathogen's impact on them.
Strengthened Abilities[38]
  • Threads: A Demoness of Affliction's Threads have been significantly enhanced.
    • Now their Threads are like extensions of a Demonesses' arms, being more capable of more precise and detailed actions like wrapping around small objects and moving them.
  • Charm: A Demonesses of Affliction can now use their Charm as an active ability. A simple glance, gesture, or word from a Demoness of Affliction can now completely Charm a person.
    • When combined with showcasing their appearance, figure, and aura, an active Charm becomes more effective. This will most likely lead to 1 of 2 scenarios:
      1. Charmed enemies will hesitate to harm them, and be unable to use their full strength.
      2. Some Charmed enemies might even give up resisting just to gain favor with them.
    • Their own appearance, aura, figure, and passive charm have all been further enhanced.
    • Repeated daily interactions and use will make a target truly fall in love with them.
  • Black Magic: A Demoness of Affliction Black Magic capabilities have also been enhanced.
    • A Demonesses of Affliction can now use the Mirror World to create scene illusions with pre-set Mirrors and Mirror Mazes to ensure that their enemies don't escape.
      • Their illusions made from Mirrors can also deceive various recording objects.[41]
    • They can now further Curse their targets by reflecting a part of the target's body in a mirror and burning that mirrored region with Black Fire.
  • Physical Enhancement: A Demonesses of Affliction can freely manipulate their hair, turning it into an effective close combat weapon and a precise tool.
    • Their hair can pierce skin, inject Black Flames, and cause stiffness to the contacted area.

Sequence 4: Despair (Demoness of Despair).[]

Strengthened Abilities[31][38][42]

  • Their previous abilities, whether it be from a Witch, Demoness of Pleasure, or a Demoness of Affliction, have all been massively enhanced and strengthened.
    • Plague: This is the enhanced form of Disease; when compared to a Demoness of Affliction, a Demoness of Despair's ability to spread pathogens and other airborne substances to infect organisms has been massively enhanced in terms of scope, distance, and potency.
      • They can create various different mystical and unique Plagues through heavy study. These are just one of a few examples of what is possible for them to create:
        • Flesh Deterioration Plague: They can create a Plague that targets the flesh and causes massive rapid deterioration.
          • This Plague appears to be the enhanced form of their original Disease, now mainly infecting organs such as the heart, brain, and lungs while also having a corresponding symptom time of only 10 seconds.
        • Spirituality and Strength Sapping Plague: They can form a Plague that saps the target's strength and Spirituality.
          • This Plague can gradually strip away at a target's strength until even their heart is too weak to beat. At the same time, it causes a gradual loss of Spirituality. Because of this, it can infect even the dead.
        • Rigidity Plague: A Demoness of Despair can form a Plague that causes rigidity and stiffness to the body.
          • Over time, this Plague can even cause beings who are extremely durable and resistant to physical damage, such as zombies to become rigid and stiff, becoming inflexible.
      • Plagues can transmit in fog and smog, covering a large area and creating epidemics.
      • Plagues can only target things with Spirituality, not inanimate objects.
      • Their Plagues can now cover a distance of 3 kilometers by itself.
      • They can clean up Plagues using Black Fire and Frost Magic.
      • Only 1 of these Plagues can be maintained at a time.
    • Threads: The power of their Threads, now within their hair, has been markedly enhanced.
      • Their Threads can restrain, bind, interfere, transmit Black Flames, Curses, possesses hardness properties, and can now transfer the effects of Pleasure.
      • Petrification: If an enemy's body is touched by their hair, that corresponding part will undergo and possess some level of Petrification symptoms.[31]
    • Charm: The beauty of a Demoness of Despair has undergone a qualitative increase in both the mundane and spiritual sense.
      • Their Charm can immediately cause Mid Sequence Beyonders to begin falling in love with them. The opioid like addiction effect from their Demoness of Pleasure Sequence has also been greatly enhanced and will only require a short period of time to manifest.
        • Even glancing at a Demoness of Despair may cause the target to begin experiencing such opioid like addiction effect and feelings of infatuation.
    • Black Magic: They possess great mastery and skill in using Mirrors, Frost, and Curses.
      • Their ability to use Mirrors has been enhanced.
        • The complexity and power of a Demoness of Despair's Mirror abilities has increased. Now they can create Mirror Mazes and utilize Magic Mirror Divination more effectively.
          • They are able to use Mirror Mazes as a way to trap people in the Mirror World.
        • Mirror Projection: Demonesses of Despair can now'project themselves through Mirrors within a city-wide range, creating multiple different illusions of themselves.
        • Demonesses of Despair are experts at locating Mirrors, traversing the Mirror World, and transmitting information via Mirrors, albeit with some risk of interception.
          • Their unique method of detecting Mirrors have been greatly enhanced. They can now locate Mirrors within a 5 kilometer radius, or locate Mirrors they have visited before.
          • When it comes to Mirror World creatures attempting to intercept their messages, they can imbue Curses to the message itself, which helps lower most of the troubles.
      • Their ways of using Frost abilities have magnified.
        • They can forge ice amulets which can be used to allow the wearer to Mirror World Transversal across it's reflective surface.
      • Their Curses have also been slightly enhanced too.
        • If their enemies cannot replace themselves with a substitution before they lock onto them and complete the Curse, they won't be able to transfer or share the damage even if they were to have a Mirror Substitution or Paper Figurine Substitute.

Mythical Creature Form

  • As Sequence 4 Demigods they receive some level of Godhood, and with it comes an incomplete Mythical Creature Form. Disregarding all consequences, they can release their incomplete Mythical Creature Form to become an incomplete Gorgon.
    • Their Mythical Creature Form takes the form of a female humanoid with a great mass of hair that appears to resemble that of various venomous snakes.[42][Note 1]
      • Anyone who happens to look at their form will experience a mix of Pleasure and pain, which makes it hard for those individuals to properly organize an effective counterattack.

Sequence 3: Unaging (Demoness of Unaging)[]

New Abilities[9][24]

  • Mirror Self: Upon advancing, their Mirror Person and real world counterpart's consciousness will fuse together, making them both exist both outside and inside the mirror.
    • The most simple application of their Mirror Self is to fix their state into one of their countless Mirror Persons, essentially allowing them to forever maintain their youth.
      • This can also be done with other individuals besides themselves, fixing their age to be something different for 30 minutes into a Mirror Person.
    • When a Mirror Person dies, it would split off from the body again to revive. Now, with the characteristics of a Mirror Person, they can revive through it.
      • The death of either the body or the Mirror Person alone was no longer true death for a Demoness of Unaging - it is more like a partial injury that could be healed.
      • They could use an environment with multiple mirrors to temporarily multiply their Mirror Persons, as long as one survives, they wouldn't be able to truly die.
      • Concealed Resurrection: Demoness of Unaging possess the ability to create a special Mirror Person that is shielded from harm to revive safely in.
        • They could use their own blood, hair, skin, or other aspects of their body to create a Mirror Person sleeping within a mirror, hiding that mirror in a secret place under Anti-divination conditions, cutting off corresponding mystical connections to prevent Curses and other harm from affecting the sleeping Mirror Person.
          • Initially, they can only separate 1 Mirror Person. With full potion digestion, the amount of concealed Mirror Persons a Demoness of Unaging can create will increase to 2.
  • Petrification: Their Petrification ability is no longer limited to their hair but it is still not yet capable enough to directly Petrify their targets from across thin air.[24]
    • They can slowly Petrify their surroundings, inducing a sort of plague like area where they can Petrify anyone and anything that happens to touch the area their Petrification has infested.
      • Alternatively, Demonesses of Unaging can use their spider silk as a medium for Petrification.

Strengthened Abilities[9][24]

  • Charm: Their Charm as a Demonesses of Pleasure has been greatly strengthened.[44]
    • They can perfectly present the charm of every stage of women, with the corresponding skin condition and temperament. People caught by her charm will have difficulty resisting her.
    • When a Demoness of Unaging's Charm is used actively; it is capable of halting someone’s thoughts even if they possess considerable mental resistance and strength.
      • Over daily interactions, their Charm can make Angels fall in love with them without detection.
  • Black Magic: Their abilities related to Mirrors and Curses have been greatly strengthened.
    • Curses: Their Curse related capabilities have been enhanced in scope and power.
      • With large-scale, special Black Magic, crucial medium, and arrangements, some of the Curses that a Demoness of Unaging makes can even have the capability to harm Angels.
      • As long as there's a physical medium of the victim, a Demoness of Unaging's Curses can not only affect the target themselves but also their direct relatives.
      • As a Demonesses of Unaging's eyes have become Mirrors, whatever they see can become a potential target for the Curses they may make.
    • Mirrors: Their ability to use Mirrors have been massively enhanced.
      • They can use Mirror World Transversal with their eyes.
      • They can transmit their voice through nearby Mirrors.[45]
      • They can forcibly pull people into the Mirror World.
      • They can directly transmit power through the Mirror World.
        • Combined with Mirror Projection, Demonesses of Unaging can manifest their power throughout an area the size of Trier using positioned Mirrors
          • Mirror Projections cannot leave their corresponding Mirror's reflection range.
          • The power attached to this Mirror Projection cannot exceed Sequence 4.
      • A Demoness of Unaging can control Mirrors within a 15 kilometer range upon full digestion, and the mirrors they have visited before. This can cover an entire small city.
      • Mirror Substitution: A Demonesses of Unaging can now control the timing of their return to reality after activating their mirror substitution.[48]
        • Clarice delayed her return to reality after using Mirror Substitution to avoid being burned by Fire of Destruction.
  • Plague: Upon full digestion, a Demoness of Unaging's Plagues can reach up to 10 kilometers.
    • They can temporarily cure some functional disorders through their control of the Plague.
  • Threads: Their own control over the spider silk they produced have been enhanced slightly.

Mythical Creature Form[24]

  • Their Mythical Creature Form develops further; their form as a Gorgon being more complete as their hair is now fully made of serpents, each with a clear white and black eye on its head.
    • In this form, a Demonesses of Unaging's Petrification ability will be greatly enhanced, making it so that anything their serpents see to be Petrified from thin air.
  • As a Sequence 3 Beyonder, they can respond to prayers within a certain range. As a result of their unified consciousness, they can manage their believer's interactions without hampering down on their combat effectiveness or disrupting the interactions of their daily life.
    • They can respond with revelations and give blessings via the use of Threads, Black Magic, Plagues, Petrification, Mirror Self and their other Beyonder abilities.

Sequence 2: Catastrophe (Demoness of Catastrophe)[]

New Abilities

  • Feared Name: Anyone who mentions "Their" name(s) will feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.


  • Catastrophe: "They" could treat Beyonders, areas, or natural environments as structures or systems, being able to detonate their hidden issues and trigger Catastrophic collapse by working primarily from the inside out through combined internal and external forces.
    • "They" can bring forth all sorts of natural disasters such as blizzards, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, meteor strikes, etc near "Their" surrounding vicinity.
      • This not only refers to damages in the physical world, but also Catastrophes in more supernatural areas as well, allowing "Them" to collapse portions of the Mirror World.[49][50]
        • "They" can instantly decrease the surrounding temperature, forming a world of ice and snow capable of immediately freezing Sequence 5 Beyonders and cold enough to be almost unbearable for Sequence 3 Beyonders.[51]
        • A Demoness of Catastrophe can instantly increase the surrounding temperature, vaporizing water and making Sequence 4 Beyonders feel like they are being roasted while killing weaker Beyonders without Godhood.[52]
        • The Primordial Demoness instantly detonated the hidden issues and problems within an area of the Mirror World, destabilizing the region, causing extreme levels of collapse, and eventually forming a Catastrophe.[50]
    • Besides that, events tied to disasters of the societal order, mechanical constructs, certain authorities, and/or concepts can be exacerbated by "Them".[50]
      • When it involves disasters of the societal order, train accidents, building collapses, horse stampedes, or accidental gun discharges are examples of "Their" authority in action.
      • When "Their" Catastrophe involves authorities or concepts, it involves the inducement or exacerbation of issues to destabilize a previously stable system.
        • In such cases, if a Beyonder's state was inherently unstable, a Demoness of Catastrophe could use "Their" abilities to induce them to lose balance and lose control on the spot. For the target, this was undoubtedly a Catastrophe.
    • One manifestation of this authority is known as Curses of Destiny. [50]
      • A Curse of Destiny can create an object or leave behind words that, without directly contacting the target, cause anyone who touches the object or hears the words to experience a series of Catastrophes in their subsequent lives.[50]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Plague: "Their" pathogens power and infective properties have been greatly strengthened.[50]
    • "Their" mystical pathogens can now influence and erode the bodies of complete Mythical Creatures.
  • Mirror Self: The amount of Mirror Persons "They" can initially separate is 5.

Mythical Creature Form

Sequence 1: Apocalypse (Demoness of Apocalypse)[]


  • Apocalypse: The ascended form of Catastrophe authorithy. The deepened collapse of an entire system into a total explosion of contradictions, entangling all into one. To a certain extent, a Demoness of Apocalypse can bring the end of destiny to those affected.[53]
    • Lumian Lee caused a Pallbearer, who had already been teetering on the edge of losing control due to his corruption, lose control by erupting his inner conflict under the influence of fate.[54]
    • The localized Apocalypse initiated by Lumian Lee caused the surrounding area around "Him" to collapse into a void, erasing all remnants except for a singular wooden coffin.[54]
    • Cheek made a Special Mirror World move toward its Apocalypse, instantly causing that area to be condensed into an exceptionally dangerous darkness.[55]

Sequence 0: Demoness (Chaos Demoness, Primordial Demoness)[]


The source of Catastrophes, symbol of the Apocalypse, the Demoness who wields Chaos, ruler of the Mirror World, corresponding to the feminine aspect of the Original Creator.[9]


  • Chaos: "She" has the authority over the return of all things to Chaos and the primordial state. This is a branch of the symbolism of destruction and endings, is a core authority of the Demoness, and is an elevated concept encompassing Apocalypse and Catastrophe.[56]
    • Chaos could not be applied directly to a stable and balanced target. A Catastrophic collapse must first be created in the designated area, followed by a total explosion of contradictions to form a substantial vortex of Chaos. Only then could it spread outward to affect the target.[53]
      • "She" can create and control a nearly sky-filling vortex of Chaos composed of liquids of all colors. This Chaos vortex represents every possibility, and everything that gets sucked into it will be shredded and dissolved into fragments, becoming merely an unrealized possibility.[56]
  • Charm: As the Primordial Demoness "Her" Charming powers have been greatly enhanced. Reaching the conceptual level, all things including abstractions are entranced by "Her" slightest expression. "Her" Charm would make even the rules violate themselves.[57][56]
    • "Her" voice was enough to make Lumian Lee's entire body surrender to "Her", "Her" smile can halt a King of Angels' rage, and "Her" appearance is so strong it could even Charm The Fool.[58][56]
    • Just through a slight look at "Her" hands, it invoked a full Petrification of Lumian Lee, along with an outflow of "His" most primitive desires, rendering his mind blank.[58]
  • Mirrors: "She" is not only the ruler of the Mirror World, but also the embodiment of it.[59][56]
    • "She" has complete control over the Mirror World's structure and form.[59]
      • "She" was able to stop the collapsing of the Mirror World induced by Dual-Pathway God Amon's Sufferer's re-enactment of Mr. Fool's supernova.[59]
      • "She" can make "Herself" appear in every corner of the Mirror World and have "Her" voice echo out from every direction in that place. [59]
    • "She" can fuse with this special realm at any time. [59]
      • It makes "Her" effectively immortal because as long as the Mirror World exists, the only true way of killing "Her" is by destroying every single mirror in existence.[59]
    • "Her" Divine Kingdom is tied to the Mirror World.
      • In the Divine Kingdom, the following effects would occur on those who entered in:
        • Only females would exist in the Divine Kingdom. Anything else that enters (including even True Gods) will acquire distinct female characteristics upon entry.
        • Gazing upon what should not be seen in the Divine Kingdom would immediately cause the gazer to be Petrified, instantly turning them into stone.
        • While within the Divine Kingdom, if one does not have sufficient protection, one would frequently encounter disasters related to oneself.
        • Within the Divine Kingdom, extreme pleasure would sporadically manifest, making one reluctant to leave the confines of the domain.
  • Femininity: As a feminine aspect of The Original Creator and representation of Yin Energy, "She" possesses some authority over female forces and concepts. [56]
    • "She" can transform living beings and inanimate objects into females.
      • The Primordial Demoness altered various infants, "Her" hair, and rebellious mystical pathogens to make them real females to control and manipulate.[60]
  • Dark Magic: "She" has an authority over Dark Magic. This makes "Her" the strongest Witch, and as such, turns "Her" into the master of the dark arts.[56]

Strengthened Abilities [60]

  • Plague: "Her" ability to spread Plagues have been greatly enhanced; "She" can create countless tiny, unseen mystical pathogens that vary widely in terms of the actual form and corresponding effect.
    • "Her" mystical pathogens embody the authorities of Disease and are capable of eroding and infecting even True Gods given enough time.[60]

Mythical Creature Form

  • "She" possesses black python-like tentacles on "Her" head as hairs, and within those black python-like tentacles are eyes on their ends, which are either closed or open.[61]
    • Anything directly touched by these tentacles will transform into beautiful women of various sizes that will run around and bring the destruction of all matter.


  1. Their Mythical Creature Form is inspired by "Medusa" from Greek Mythology.[43]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mysteries Setting (3) Assassin by Cuttlefish
  2. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 365
  3. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 173
  4. 4.0 4.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 239
  5. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 910
  6. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1406
  7. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 198
  8. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 259
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1024
  10. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 206
  11. 11.0 11.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 309
  12. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 66
  13. 13.0 13.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 441
  14. 14.0 14.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 613
  15. 15.0 15.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 210
  16. 16.0 16.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 226
  17. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 386
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 189
  19. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 287
  20. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 225
  21. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 123
  22. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 188
  23. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1042
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1043
  25. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 821
  26. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 227
  27. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 209
  28. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 286
  29. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 182
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 322
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 888
  32. 32.0 32.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 782
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 705
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 330
  35. 35.0 35.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 331
  36. 36.0 36.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 333
  37. 37.0 37.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 199
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 790
  39. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 845
  40. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1107
  41. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 821
  42. 42.0 42.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 919
  43. Cuttlefish's Interview Done by Blogger 安迪斯晨风 and Posted on Bilibili Channel 书鱼煲书
  44. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 537
  45. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1056
  46. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 327
  47. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 285
  48. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 895
  49. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1104
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1146
  51. 51.0 51.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1057
  52. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1036
  53. 53.0 53.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1154}}
  54. 54.0 54.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1129
  55. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1105
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 56.6 56.7 56.8 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1132
  57. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1106
  58. 58.0 58.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1105
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 59.6 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1111
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1134
  61. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1376-1377

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