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Sequence 9: Apprentice[]


An Apprentice's abilities are rather strange. Apprentices are rarely trapped and very difficult to stop. They are often able to escape from situations and pass through obstacles every time.[1]

New Abilities

  • Door Opening: Apprentices possess the ability to Open some things related to Doors.
    • Using the unique traits of the Spirit World, an Apprentice can phase through walls and others big obstacles by Opening a symbolic, incorporeal Door.[2]
      • The premise is that there are no restrictions placed on them and the obstacle(s) they are phasing into is not too thick in terms of length.[3]
      • Apprentices are not able to bring other people with them while using this ability, but can bring the things that are on their body right now.[4]
      • Even if an Apprentice's connection to the Spirit World is blocked, they are still use Door Opening to accomplish this feat.[5]
    • They can Open any lock which doesn’t contain mystical powers, as well as a small number of locks that are reinforced with Beyonder effects.[3]

Sequence 8: Trickmaster[]

New Abilities

  • Trickmasters wield all kinds of strange but relatively weak magic spells.[1]
    • Tumble: Makes the ground beneath the target slippery.[6]
    • Bounce: Causes the targeted object to Bounce.[7]
    • Burning: Burns object(s) with a scarlet flame.[8]
    • Electric Shock: Shocks the target.[6]
    • Freezing: Freezes the target.[6]
    • Wind: Creates a light Wind.[6]
    • Flash: Creates a Flash.[6]
    • Fog: Creates Fog.[6]

Sequence 7: Astrologer[]

New Abilities

  • Spirituality: An Astrologer's Spirituality will get greatly enhanced upon drinking this potion.
    • Spirit Vision: They can use Spirit Vision to see non-physical things, such as ghosts, specters, and the different parts of a Soul as well as deduce a person's health and emotions through it.
    • Ritualistic Magic & Divination Arts: Astrologers are able to master all sorts of Divination methods; however, they have powerful Divination capabilities with Astrology and crystal balls.[9]
      • By overlapping the silhouettes of 2 people, even if they are disguised, Astrologers can determine whether or not they are the same person.[10]
      • They are able to utilize a crystal ball to recall their own past memories. The way this operates is extremely similar to that of a Dream Divination.[11]
      • Anti-Divination: Astrologers are able to interfere with others' Divination and Spiritual Intuition within the surrounding area.[2]
    • Spiritual Intuition: Their Spiritual Intuition has also been greatly improved.[11]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Door Opening: Their ability to phase into obstacles have been enhanced.
    • Astrologers can now bring other people with them when phasing through obstacles.[12]

Sequence 6: Scribe[]

New Abilities[13][14]

  • Record: After seeing a Beyonder power, Scribes can attempt to Record its mystical symbols, patterns and labels, storing it for one, and only one, later use if successful.
    • In principle, this ability uses their Soul as a pen and their Spirit Body as the paper to function.[15]
    • There are several limitations to a Record but they will weaken as they digest the potion.
      • The probability of successfully Recording is not guaranteed for powers above Sequence 6.
        • The higher the Sequence the power is, the less likely it is to successfully Record it.
        • Sequence 4 powers may not be able to be Recorded after attempting ten times.
      • The amount of powers they can Record is limited, which increases with digestion.
        • They are initially limited to 1 Beyonder power at the Demigod-level, 8 Beyonder powers for Sequence 5-6, and 20 Beyonder powers for Sequence 7-9.
        • After complete digestion of the potion, a Scribe will be able to gain the ability to Record 3 Demigod-level Beyonder powers.
      • The effects of Recorded Beyonder powers will be weaker than the original.
        • Demigod-level Beyonder powers will be halved at best. Sequence 5 and 6 Beyonder powers will have more then 50% of their original strength, while Sequence 7 and lower Beyonder powers will be almost as powerful as the original Beyonder power itself.

Sequence 5: Traveler[]

New Abilities

  • Traveler's Door (Door of Teleportation, Traveling): Travelers can open a Door to the Spirit World and Travel there while still sensing the real world. This gives them a form of long distance Teleportation.[16]
    • The longer the distance, the less instantaneous Traveling will be. In addition, the maximum range they can Travel depends on their Sequence and Spirit Body's strength.[16]
    • Travelers have an intuitive sense of direction while they are in the Spirit World, allowing them to never get lost or accidentally get injured when they come out.[17]
    • Similar to the phasing application of Door Opening, other individuals are able to Travel with a Traveler via physical contact when they Travel.[18]
    • If their connection to the Spirit World is severed, they will no longer be able to Travel.[19][20]
      • In this scenario, Travelers are still able to utilize Traveling to achieve a form of Invisibility by using the unique traits of the Spirit World.[19]
    • Blink: A form of short distance Traveling that leaves afterimages in its wake[21]
      • If their Teleportation powers were to be suppressed, Travelers will be limited to only Blink within a relatively small area.[22]
  • Invisible Hand: Travelers can move objects remotely with their minds.[23]

Strengthened Abilities[23]

  • Record: A Traveler's ability to Record Beyonder powers has been greatly enhanced.
    • They can Record up to 4 Demigod powers, whose effects are now close to that of a true Sequence 4.

Sequence 4: Secrets Sorcerer[]

New Abilities

  • Space Concealment: This can be seen as a core ability of a Secrets Sorcerer. With it, they can split a targeted area into 2 to create a Concealed space, only accessible through a specific Door.[24]
    • Every Concealed Space must have a Door, used as exit or to observe the outside world.
    • It's often faster to directly remove the Concealment to exit the hidden Space.[25]
    • Through Space Concealment, Secret Sorcerers can do a variety of things;
      • They can defend themselves by hiding in a Concealed space behind an illusory Door.[26]
        • To avoid Cattleya's Spear of Longinus, Botis kept on "entering" into different Concealed spaces and hiding within illusory Doors over and over again as they were destroyed.
      • They can create a special Mystical Item that houses a small Concealed space.[27]
        • The principle is to transform a area of the Spirit World into a Concealed space, and use the chaos of the Spirit World overlapping with reality to form a Door to the item.
          • As a Mystical Item, it has a duration and must be recharged periodically. Otherwise, the items inside will be lost in the Spirit World and will be almost impossible to recover.
          • Because part of the Door is in the Spirit World and the other part is in the real world, the negative effects of the Sealed Artifacts inside will still affect the wielder.[28]
            • At Higher Sequences, they can make a Seal that significantly diminish the negative effects of the Sealed Artifacts inside the special Mystical Item and prevents Beyonder Characteristics from fusing into their environment.[29]
          • When it comes to area, a small hand-sized pocket Mystical Item created by a Secret Sorcerer can hold a Concealed space similar to a large apartment.[28]
  • Secret Keeping: They can conceal their words and actions, Keeping them Secret from others' Divination, Spiritual Intuition and Perception, among others Beyonder means.[30][31]
  • Exile: Secrets Sorcerers are able to Exile a target under their control into a chaotic space behind a chosen illusory Door they have manifested.[21]
    • Different Doors represent different scenes where danger and opportunity coexist.
    • At this level, Exile can only last for 20 seconds before the target returns to reality.

Strengthened Abilities[26]

  • Record: They can now not only Record Beyonder powers, but even the "states" of various existences.

Mythical Creature Form

  • As a Sequence 4 Demigod they receive a some level of Godhood, and with it comes an incomplete Mythical Creature Form. The insects formed from resplendent starlight, whose bodies are bent into a semi-circle, forming a magical glow that resembled illusory Doors are called the Worms of Star.
    • They can divide Worms of Star from their own Mythical Creature Form.
      • They can kill these maggots and wait for the minute Beyonder Characteristics to be released, then use the carcasses to contain power that is bestowed by a high-level existence.
        • Through this, they are able to use the carcasses of their Worms of Star as high-level materials to create various charms and special bullets.
        • This fractures their own Spirit Body, dealing considerable damage and making them unable to do this frequently unless they want death.
        • If they lose too much Worms of Star they are able to recover by absorbing the Beyonder Characteristics of the Door Pathway.
      • Multitasking: Secrets Sorcerers can assign their Worms of Star to perform different tasks simultaneously, achieving a form of cross-functioning.
        • This allows them to negate some mental attacks by dividing the burden across their Worms of Star, while leaving some of them still in control of their bodies.[26]
        • Using the afterimages of their Blinks, they are able to release Beyonder powers at a speed faster than usual, but this state can't be sustain for too long.[32]

Sequence 3: Wanderer[]

New Abilities

  • Wandering: They are no longer trapped by the Spirit World, and can now Wander through the Astral World, enter the Cosmos and head to different planets where they can encounter different civilizations.[33]
    • Sequence 3 and above Beyonders of the Door Pathway in the Abraham Family have compiled 3 rules of safety when Wandering the Cosmos.[34]
      1. Don't approach unknown buildings or creatures.
      2. Do not respond to any calls.
      3. Endure loneliness.
Mythical Creature Form
  • As a Sequence 3 Beyonder, they can listen to prayers within a certain range. They can allow different Worms of Star from their Mythical Creature Form instinctively listen to prayers and respond to them while turning in the complicated ones to the main body.

Sequence 2: Planeswalker[]

Beyonder Characteristics:[35]

There are in total, nine Planeswalker Beyonder Characteristics in existence. Up to six Planeswalkers are allowed to exist at once if there are three Keys of Stars already due to the limited amount of Beyonder Characteristics.

New Abilities
  • Symbolization: "They" are able to transform "Themselves" into symbols, allowing "Them" to effectively use the Astral World to head to different planets and worlds as well as avoid many attacks.[36]
  • Journey (Space): "They" possess an authority over all movement and area, allowing "Them" to directly manipulate aspects of Space and Journey within a myriad of realms in all sorts of ways.[37]
    • This is one of the applications. With it, a Planeswalker is able to lock a targeted region of Space and swap or move it to some other location within or under "Their" purview.
      • The limit to the amount of space that can be swapped at "Their" level is a Backlund-sized city.[38]
    • They" can tear Space and have it become swallowed by the void, causing everything within the affected area to gradually collapse and shatter in a Space-Time storm.[39][40]
      • Fors Wall tore the space around "Loki" and warped it into the void, shattering both the space around him and "Herself" into a myriad of small fragments.[41]
      • The alternate space that accompanied the Tree of Shadow where Fors Wall battled Suah bore gaping holes, as if swallowed by an endless void.[42]
    • "They" can set the entrance and exit of a Space and manipulate the area between. "They" can also utilize this ability to create a Seal with time constraints.[37]
      • Fors Wall trapped Torriope within a set area by setting the exit point to the farthest place from the entrance, making a Journey of a few dozen meters into a winding and tortuous one.
        • Outside "Her" maze lay an ethereal darkness filled with brilliant stars without any paths. Once entered, Torriope would likely become lost immediately, unable to find an exit, let alone reach "His" intended destination without using the relevant methods.
    • "They" are able to project distant scenes from other locations into a circular veil, enabling them to watch scenes not within "Their" direct line of sight.
    • "They" can summon projection of planets and create gravitational force emanating from it, causing a tearing that bends Space, time, and light.
      • Fors Wall split "Herself" into nine and behind each figure, different colored planets hazily appeared that created nine different directional gravitational forces that tore apart the surrounding Space, slowed the flow of time, and changed the trajectory of light.[37]
    • "They" can open Doors to various realms without having to use the corresponding mediums to access them as well as be able to navigate through those realms with ease.
      • In special cases where "They" can not directly open the Door to a particular realm, "They" can instead Replicate the ability to open the specific Door using the relevant abilities.[44][45][46][44]
        • Mirror World: "They" can open a Door to the Mirror World using two methods:
          1. "They" can open an illusory Door of Mirror World without using any Mirror as well as travel through and locate Mirrors in different locations without getting lost.
          2. "They" can also Replicate the ability of those in the Demoness Pathway to travel to the Mirror World; however, this method would require a Mirror for it work.
        • Underworld: "They" can open a Door to the Underworld using two methods:
          1. "They" can freely open an illusory Door to the Underworld anywhere by using this application of "Their" authority without any need of locating the Underworld.
          2. In the case of the Underworld being hidden, "They" can Replicate the ability of a Gatekeeper from the Death Pathway and travel to the Underworld.
        • Dreams: "They" are also able to open an illusory Door to Dreams.

Strengthened Abilities

  • Replication: This is the enhanced form of Record. Once "They" have sufficient understanding about the corresponding 'objects', "They" can directly Replicate without having the need to Record.[48]
    • "They" can Replicate certain Beyonder powers through 2 methods.
      1. "They" can directly Replicate Beyonder powers and use it "Themselves".
      2. "They" can directly Replicate instances of people using Beyonder powers.
    • "They" can Replicate scenes, this can also be done through two methods.
      1. "They" can cross all obstacles and distances if the corresponding scene still exists in the real world, directly descending to "Their" desired destination.
      2. "They" are able to fully change the area around "Their" targets and allow the corresponding scene to manifest in the real world.
    • There are various limitations to Replication.
      • Replicating abilities that can change one's state is very difficult.[44]
      • Not all Beyonder powers and abilities can be Replicated.
  • Sealing: "Their" ability to Seal is broadened and not only limited to Space, but also concepts.
    • "Their" ability to Seal Space is greatly enhanced, as "They" can now manipulate Space with greater control and Replicate various elements and concepts to better enforce their Seal.
    • "They" can Seal concepts in both a literal and mystical senses.
      • Fors Wall Sealed Cattleya's listening abilities in both the literal and mystical senses to significantly reduce the effect of the seeped in Immortal Voice.[50]
  • Traveler's Door (Door of Teleportation, Traveling): "Their" Blink ability has been greatly enhanced.
    • Blink: "They" are now able to be located in different locations at the same time by repeatedly Blinking back and forth, enabling "Them" to fight on different battlefields at the same time.[51][37]

Mythical Creature Form

  • "Their" Mythical Creature Form appears to be that of a huge human figure composed of a light ball formed by many Worms of Stars and constructed by layers of real and illusory Doors.

Sequence 1: Key of Stars[]


  • Position (Locating): "They" have the authority over Position and Location.[53]
    • By using the information in the Spirit World or the mystical connections between things, "They" can precisely Locate the Position of anything "They" desire anywhere.[52][54]
      • Even Concealed objects can be Located, but the prerequisite is to create a corresponding mystical connection and to exploit it before it is cut off by the other party.
    • Once the target has been Located and there is nothing blocking "Them", "They" can use "Their" authority to either Seal or alter the target's Position.[43][56]

Sequence 0: Door[]


  • Door: "He", being the embodiment of the corresponding authorities, have authority over all things related to Space, Alternate Worlds, and everything related to the concept of a Door.
    • "He" can instantly open a Door to get to anywhere "He" wants, being able to move "Himself" and others to any part of the real world, Spirit World and the Astral World.
    • "He" can enter into Doors that open and close at the same time, preventing existences from knowing what went in or was behind said Doors.[59]
      • Amon split into multiple Doors that opened and closed at the same time, preventing the Evernight Goddess from knowing where "He" went.
    • By manipulating and modifying the concepts of Doors and Space, "He" is able to create various special worlds within pre-established realms.
    • Sealing: "He" is able to open or close everything related to the concept of a Door in the entire world, thereby strengthening or weakening all and any forms of Sealing.
      • If "He" chooses to affect the entire world, unless "He" put all “His” energy into this matter, such authority wouldn’t be able to influence the entire world for too long.
        • Mr. Door's Apotheosis Ritual caused all physical Doors everywhere to open and weakened all Seals, causing most Seals in a variety of churches to fail.[61]
        • Amon had temporarily shut off everything related to the concept of a Door, greatly strengthening the effects of any Seal.[62][59]
      • Besides being able to simply affect the world in an all-round way, "He" is also able to directly create various types of Seals that can even trap a True Deity.
        • Amon created a "fishnet veil" that began to twist and reassemble to form a strong cage that trapped Klein. Inside the "fishnet veil" cage an illusory Door appeared and moved quickly without being fixed in place.[63]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Conceptualization: This is an enhancement to "Their" Symbolization ability. With it, 'They" can turn into a Conceptual Creature that can avoid the damage caused by close proximity with a massive star.[36]
    • "He" can forcibly Conceptualize other entities by enveloping them in resplendent starlight, causing similar Concepts to gather together into a Conceptual Cluster.[64]
      • Beings that have been Conceptualized into a Conceptual Cluster enter a passive state.
  • Replication: "He" can now create Replicas of "Himself" on the level of symbolism.[63]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 65
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 795
  3. 3.0 3.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 309
  4. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 107
  5. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 853
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 542
  7. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 786
  8. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1077
  9. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 408
  10. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 763
  11. 11.0 11.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1207
  12. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 859
  13. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 646
  14. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1014
  15. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1014
  16. 16.0 16.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 780
  17. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 558
  18. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1106
  19. 19.0 19.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 835
  20. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1234
  21. 21.0 21.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1196
  22. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1250
  23. 23.0 23.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1189
  24. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1194
  25. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1195
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1197
  27. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1201
  28. 28.0 28.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1201
  29. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 495
  30. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 766
  31. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1032
  32. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1198
  33. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1334
  34. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1065
  35. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1208
  36. 36.0 36.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1384
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1069
  38. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1200
  39. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1385
  40. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1037
  41. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 734
  42. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 258
  43. 43.0 43.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 743
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 776
  45. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 728
  46. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 728
  47. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1002
  48. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1209
  49. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 469
  50. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 867
  51. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 483
  52. 52.0 52.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 590
  53. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1382
  54. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1065
  55. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1105
  56. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1042
  57. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1376
  58. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1379
  59. 59.0 59.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1381
  60. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1098
  61. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1350
  62. 62.0 62.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1375
  63. 63.0 63.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1385
  64. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1386

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