Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

It's a trojan horse of fate, the slug of time, the loopholes in rules, the manifestation of all errors.

Ancient Sun God's description
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1152

The Error Pathway can deceive and steal all sorts of things. They can trick others with their eloquence, sleight-of-hand, steal their targets' Beyonder or mundane abilities, decrypt, steal thoughts and intentions.

At High Sequences, they can turn into a parasite to attach in a host, deceive the world's rules, create avatars, tamper with fate, manipulate time, and also become experts in exploiting the loopholes in rules, becoming a "BUG" like existence.

“Theft” is a core skill of the Error Pathway and as one advances through the sequences, not only will its effects and success rate increase the higher the sequence, its concept becomes deeper. Until Sequence 7, “Theft” targets physical items. At Sequence 6, “Theft” applies to Beyonder abilities. At Sequence 5, “Theft” is able to affect thoughts and ideas. By Sequence 4, “Theft” applies to life, including parasitic theft at the physical level. And at Sequence 2, the range of “Theft” is broadened to fate, identity, self-awareness, and Beyonder characteristics. As for Sequence 1, “Theft” could temporarily affect things such as time, anchors, and authorities.[1]

The Beyonders of this group can only exchange their pathway starting at Sequence 3.

The title of Above the Sequence of the Error Pathway is Lord of Mysteries, and the corresponding Sefirah is the Sefirah Castle. This Pathway is adjacent to the Door Pathway and Fool Pathway. It's also one of the four standard pathways compatible with the Boon of the Eternal Aeon Pathway.

Sequence Levels[]

Error Pathway Index
Sequence Name
Low Sequence
9 Marauder
8 Swindler
Mid Sequence
7 Cryptologist
6 Prometheus
5 Dream Stealer
High Sequence - Saint
4 Parasite
3 Mentor of Deceit
High Sequence - Angel
2 Trojan Horse of Destiny
1 Worm of Time
True God
0 Error

Pathway Symbol[]

Error Symbol2

Symbols corresponding to Parasitism, Time, and Fate.[2]

The official symbol of the Error Pathway.[3] The color is snow white platinum.

Corresponding Tarot Card[]


The corresponding tarot card of the Error Pathway is The Lovers.[4]

The Lovers (VI) is number six of the 22 Major Arcana. In some traditions, the Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners.[5] The Lovers also represent harmony, balance and the union of two seemingly disparate parts: the worldly and spiritual, masculine and feminine, and light and dark.[6]

According to the author, On the one hand, "parasitic" can mean two people, representing The Lover card. On the other hand, the reversed interpretation: hope to avoid danger and avoid responsibility forever.[4]

Corresponding Ingredients[]

Mythical Creature Form[]

Worm of Time

A worm of Time

The Mythical Creature Form of the Error Pathway manifests as an ancient stone clock with the hands being made up of translucent worms with twelve transparent rings called Worms of Time.


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