Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Circle of Inevitability," is complete, and many articles include updates about its events and developments, which contain major spoilers. It's recommended to leave this wiki if you haven't finished reading.


Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
“There are some things that make it easier to be ‘infected’ the more you know.”
This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS relating to some of the most pivotal parts of the "Lord of Mysteries" and "Circle of Inevitability".

Father of Devils is the title of the Great Old One of the Abyss Symbol2 Abyss, and Chained Symbol2 Chained Pathways.

The Sefirah and Pathways under this Great Old One originally belonged to the Outer Deity Mother Tree of Desire, before "She" lost them to Earth.

Right after the separation, the Tenebrous World was incomplete, but the Sefirot have the ability to mend themselves. The present Mother Tree of Desire's Sefirah isn’t incomplete, and the Tenebrous World can also create a Great Old One itself.[1]

Beyonders of the Father of Devils group also need to contend with a mixture of the Primordial God Almighty's mental imprint, because in the First Epoch, the Primordial God Almighty had accommodated the Tenebrous World alongside the City of Calamity.[2]

Full Title[]

"Father of Devils;
Lord of Deviants;
Source of Curses."

— Full Title of the Father of Devils

Authorities & Symbolisms[]

"They" possesses full authority over the Abyss, and Chained Pathways and corresponding symbols, which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Abyss Symbol2 Abyss: Authorities over Corruption, Filth, Blood, and the Symbol of Unrestrained(Temptation / Indulgence).
  • Chained Symbol2 Chained: Authorities over Curses, Mutations, Binding, and the Symbols of Binding (Bound)[3], Restraint.

Derived from the above, "They" also possesses the following abilities/symbols:

  • Source of Curses: "Their" Curses reach the level of symbolism.
    • "They" could defeat powerful existences by harming the weak, a basis of many Curses and an underlying rule of the mystical world.[4]
      • As the Source of Curses, "They" are fully capable Cursing Avatars (and Marionettes), such as those from the Lord of Mysteries, to indirectly Curse the true body.[5]
      • Anything attached to "Them" could be Cursed via Cursing "Themselves" in a suicidal manner.[6]
    • Using blood-colored flames, even Great Old Ones can be Cursed to morph into an animal's body, consciousness, and spirit.[6][7]
  • Unrestrained: This symbolism induces the lack of restraint towards Desires. "They" can trigger an explosion of any Desire "They" can sense in "Their" surroundings. Those affected are unable to resist the ignited Desires.[8][6]
  • Binding: This symbolism qualifies the High-Sequence Beyonder characteristics of the Chained Pathway as ideal Sealing materials.[3]
  • Father of Devils: He is the origin of all Devils, Evil, and Desires. He represent the indulgence in the inner desire by intelligent creature, the lack of restraint, of morale...
  • Lord of Deviants: He is the origin of all Mutant, (Hatred / Malice) and Bound Desires. He represent the restrained dark inner thought, what is rejected by the outside (social behaviour), what is outside the accepted norm.


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