Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Everlasting Pathway provides abilities of knowledge based spells, mental sense others by thought and voice therefore affecting them, directly implant knowledge, pull philosophy to influence many on a thin line between wisdom and madness, and eventually become subordinate spiritual entities of corruptive ravings. "They" hold authority over Consciousness and Spirit.[1]

This Pathway is one of the new Pathways introduced in Circle of Inevitability. It exists outside the standard 22 Pathways, but is still classified into Sequence 9 to Sequence 0.[2]

On Earth, the Beyonders of this Pathway do not advance through Potions, but by praying to the Outer Deity Inextinguishable Ravings, who is the Above the Sequence of this Pathway. Possible Adjacent Pathways are unknown. The corresponding Sefirah is the Inextinguishable Ravings's currently unnamed Sefirah.

Since the Inextinguishable Ravings is focused on the Sefirah Knowledge Moor,[3] it's likely that the Initiator Pathway is compatible with the Hermit Pathway and Paragon Pathway.

Sequence Levels[]

Initiator Pathway Index
Sequence Name
Low Sequence
9 Initiator
8 Commentator
Mid Sequence
7 Orator
6 Singer
5 Secret Transmitter
High Sequence - Saint
4 Philosopher
3 Messenger of God
High Sequence - Angel
2 Great Old One Attendant
1 Voice of the Heart
True God
0 Everlasting

Corresponding Ingredients[]


Mythical Creature Form[]

Spiritual Body of Consciousness (Partial at Sequence 4 and Pure Spiritual Body at Sequence 2)

Related Organization[]


Related Mystical Items[]




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