Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Justiciar Pathway is about defending 'Order'. It is strong at setting laws and punishing lawbreakers. They can set up rules that will inflict punishments if broken, directly attack minds and souls, recognize people supernaturally, detect abnormalities, and use all kinds of weapons and explosives.

At High-Sequences, they can negate other Beyonder powers and supernatural phenomena, and enforce order upon chaos. They can also set 'Verdicts' and 'Rules' and any sentence they speak in mystical language can be set as a rule for their targets to follow.

The Beyonder Characteristics of this pathway originated from the Outer Deity, the Son of Chaos.[1]

The title of Above the Sequence of the Justiciar Pathway is The Anarchy, and the corresponding Sefirah is the Nation of Disorder. This Pathway is adjacent to the Black Emperor Pathway.

Of the Non-Standard Pathways, this pathway is also adjacent to the Chaos Mist Pathway from the Son of Chaos.

Sequence Levels[]

Justiciar Pathway Index
Sequence Name
Low Sequence
9 Arbiter
8 Sheriff
Mid Sequence
7 Interrogator
6 Judge
5 Disciplinary Paladin
High Sequence - Saint
4 Imperative Mage
3 Chaos Hunter
High Sequence - Angel
2 Balancer
1 Hand of Order
True God
0 Justiciar

Pathway Symbol[]

Justiciar Symbol2

The official symbol of the Justiciar Pathway.[2]

The color is pale gold.

Corresponding Tarot Card[]


The corresponding tarot card of the Justiciar Pathway is Judgment.[3]

Judgment (XX), or in some decks spelled Judgement, is the twentieth card of the Major Arcana. Its order is significant: it’s the last card before the completion of the Major Arcana’s numerical cycle. This card is referred to as a time of resurrection and awakening, a time when a period of our life comes to an absolute end making way for dynamic new beginnings.[4][5]

Corresponding Ingredients[]

Mythical Creature Form[]



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