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Edwina Edwards: What languages have you mastered?

Gehrman Sparrow: Jotun, Elvish, Dragonese, Ancient Hermes, Hermes, Ancient Feysac, Loen…

Edwina Edwards to Gehrman Sparrow
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 535

There are multiple languages used exclusively among Beyonders. Different from normal languages such as Feysac or Loen, certain old languages have a mystical power that can be used in rituals, activating charms, and activating certain Beyonder abilities. Some effects will only work when using certain languages.

In the Beyonder circles, Hermes was a language one had to master. Ancient Hermes was something that one could learn and was relatively popular. Jotun, Dragonese, and Elvish were relatively less popular, so few people knew them.[1]

Mystical Languages[]

Mystical Languages is the concept of a mystical language, which predates and supersedes human speech. They can be used in sacrifices, prayers, and spell casting. It can use the natural forces.

God Almighty Unknown Language[]

An unnamed language used by the Ancient Sun God when "He" invaded the Sefirah Castle through the Unshadowed Crucifix.[2]

“He” used a language that can stir the powers of nature. Klein described it as similar to Jotun, but also different. It doesn’t belong to Elvish, Dragonese, and Ancient Hermes. It has similarities with the ancient Feysac of the Northern Continent and the Dutanese of the Southern Continent.[2]


Elvish: An ancient language that can be used in sacrifices, prayers, and spell casting. It can use the natural forces. Every word is rich in meaning and the sentences are very short.

Elvish was created by the Elf King in the Sprouting Era. According to Elvin Legend, a first-generation elf is born with every word produced. The number of Elvish words meant the number of first-generation elves.[3]


Dragonese: An ancient language, it can be used in sacrifices, prayers, and spell casting. It can use the natural forces.

Dragonese was created by the Dragons in the Sprouting Era.

The grammatical habit is using short sentences—very simple and short ones.[4]


Jotun: An ancient language, it can be used in sacrifices, prayers, and spell casting. It can use the natural forces. Only the Forsaken Land of the Gods still use this language as a common by the Fifth Epoch. It is the foundation of the Ancient Feysac language.

Jotun was created by the Giants in the Sprouting Era.


Devil Language: It can be used in demonic rituals, prayers, and spell casting. It is mostly used by Beyonders of the Abyss Pathway.

Devil Language was created by the Devils in the Sprouting Era.

Ancient Hermes[]

Ancient Hermes: A human extraordinary language created by Hermes, an ancient Sequence 2 of the Visionary Pathway, during the Second Epoch, based on Jotun and Dragonese. Similar to Dragonese and Elvish, the effect of this language is direct and effective. Ancient Hermes can be used for unprotected sacrifices and prayers. The guiding word can be used as the beginning of the ceremony.

It is a tongue-twisting language.[5]

AncientHermes Language

Ancient Hermes Alphabet


Hermes: During the Fourth Epoch, Ancient Hermes was simplified into the current recognized form, making it easier to be used, taught, and disseminated for daily use. However, it no longer had such a strong and direct effect on rituals.[6] It is improved to contemporary Hermes.

For Beyonders, Hermes language is the language that must be mastered.[7] It is universally used by denizens of the Spirit World, even if their origins in life were different.[8]

'Amantha' means 'serenity' in Hermes.[9]

Hermes Language

Hermes Alphabet


There are many other languages in the field of mysticism, each with its specialties. Most Beyonders won’t be able to use them unless they want to study a unique and rare domain or perform the corresponding ritual.[10]

Common Languages[]

Pre-Epoch Languages[]

Human languages used by modern era humans, but lacked the effects on natural forces. The 1st epoch erased all related knowledge of this category off the surface of the planet, even the Spirit World was reset. The known surviving users of these languages are Evernight Goddess, Ancient Sun God, Roselle Gustav, Klein Moretti and the other Transmigrators, since they are survivors of this era.

Ancient Feysac[]


Ancient Feysac on Leymano's Travels: "I came, I saw, I recorded."

Ancient Feysac: The common language in the Fourth Epoch. It was widespread by the Feysac Kingdom. It is also the root language of all the contemporary languages of the current era. Ancient Feysac is derived from the Jotun language, therefore, has some mystical properties. It cannot use natural forces.[14]

The Northern Continent languages, such as Loen, Feysac, and Intis as well as Highlander, are all derived from the Ancient Feysac language.[14]

This language has been mutating throughout the years, and therefore it is possible to identify its origin based on the derivation. For example, one type of Ancient Feysac was recognized as the characteristic of the Solomon Empire; the language of Rorsted Archipelago also originated from Ancient Feysac.

In Loen Kingdom, Ancient Feysac was a customary that all the children of nobles and of the wealthy class would learn from a young age.[15]

'Sodela' in ancient Feysac meant 'balance.'[16]

Northern Continent[]


Loenese is the official language of the Loen Kingdom. Originated from the Ancient Feysac language.[17] It is the language Klein and most of the Tarot Club uses. It has no mystical properties or powers.


Intisian is the official language of the Intis Republic. Originated from the Ancient Feysac language.[14] It has no mystical properties or powers.

Note: In the English translation of Circle of Inevitability, the translator uses French language to represent Intis language.

Some French words and phrases used frequently in the novels:

  • Mon Dieu /mɔ̃ djø/: "My God"
  • Dieu merci /djø mɛʁ.si/: "Thank God"
  • Oui /wi/: "Yes"
  • Sacrebleu /sa.kʁə.blø/: literally, "Holy Cow". Expurgated form of sacre Dieu (“sacred God”).
  • Grande Sœur /ɡʁɑ̃d sœʁ/: "Big sister"
  • Mon ami /mɔ̃.n‿a.mi/: "My friend"


Feysac is the official language of the Feysac Empire. Originated from the Ancient Feysac language.[14] Feysac was the language with the least difference in from ancient Feysac.[18]

'Lærdal (洛达尔)' in the local language of Nas means 'Dawn'.[19]


Highlander is the official language of the Feynapotter Kingdom. Originated from the Ancient Feysac language.[20]

In Highlander, “Solow” translated to “sun.” Although the Feynapotter Kingdom didn’t subscribe to the Eternal Blazing Sun faith, instead venerating Earth Mother, the prevalence of sunlight in their environment resulted in the frequent use of words like “Solow” and “Soros” (sunlight) in various place names.[21]


Lenburg is the common language in Lenburg.

It is essentially the same as the Highlander language of the Feynapotter Kingdom, with some dialectal differences.

Southern Continent[]

Highlander (Southern Continent)[]

Highlander is the original language of the Southern Continent equal in status as the Ancient Feysac language, but is its own ancient origin. In the ancient Highlands Kingdom, ‘King’ also has the special term, ‘Kadiev.’ It was translated by Roselle Gustav as Pharaoh, the meaning is the son of God, king of humans.[22]


Dutanese is the original language of the Southern Continent. It was a common language of the ancient Balam Empire founded by the Underworld Emperor. In present-day East Balam and West Balam, native citizens still use this language. Klein felt that Dutanese and Ancient Feysac, although belonging to different language systems, are very similar in many ways as if they came from the same origin, but not Jotun language.[23]

Western Continent[]

Imperial brother, please lend me your strength!

— Inside the Nation of Disorder, Roselle Gustav to the unnamed Emperor
on Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 883

A highly similar language to Simplified Chinese, both in grammar and words. This language is the common language of the Western Continent. Outside The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth's sealed area, Mainland Chinese Transmigrators on other continents have ease understanding it.[24][25] Also, communication has not been hindered after so many Epochs.[1]


  • The Lord of the Mysteries game has introduced the Hermes alphabet, which is utilized in the creation of "Praise The Fool," a theme song for the game. The standard Hermes grammar is still being decrypted by fans.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 238
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1034
  3. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1067
  4. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 641
  5. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 635
  6. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 48
  7. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 238
  8. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 439
  9. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 698
  10. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 47
  11. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 660
  12. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 920
  13. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 715
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 95
  15. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 3
  16. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 452
  17. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 95
  18. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 779
  19. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 636
  20. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 38
  21. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 534
  22. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 875
  23. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 888
  24. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 373
  25. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 439