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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

Sequence 9: Apothecary[]

New Abilities[1][2][3]
  • Medicine Concoction: They excel at creating and mixing liquids and herbs. With these skills in creating various different medicinal potions, they can easily treat most illnesses and injuries.
    • Despite their abilities, Apothecaries do not have actual ways to treat terminal illnesses.
      • For those in the late stage of a terminal illness, they can only try to alleviate symptoms or slow down the progression.
    • These are just a few examples of the potions and concoctions Apothecaries can make:
      • A potion that enhances one's strength, speed, and agility for a short amount of time.[3]
      • A potion that would invoke the libido one has experienced during their teenage years.[3]
      • A potion that effectively stop bleeding and stimulate the healing of wounds.[3]
  • Physical Enhancement: Apothecaries don't gain massive physical improvements, but they are relatively resistant to poisonous elements and toxins.[2]
  • Spirituality: Their Spirituality gets enhanced as a Beyonder.
    • Spirit Vision: It shows Apothecaries a person's overall health and well being.

Sequence 8: Beast Tamer[]

New Abilities
  • Taming: Beast Tamers can tame, domesticate, and utilize living animals, including Beyonder Creatures.[1]
  • Animal Sense: They can communicate with animals, share their senses, and read their emotions and intentions.[1]
  • They gain a large increase in their physical abilities. [?]
  • They are instinctively the natural enemies of animals.[2]

Sequence 7: Vampire[]

New Abilities[1]
  • Vampires dislike sunlight and their main food source is blood that's preferably filled with Spirituality.
  • They have mastery over a certain number of spells in the realms of Darkness and Moon.
    • Wings of Darkness: By forming illusory bat wings, they gain speed, some limited flight capabilities, this can also be morphed into a swarm of illusory vampire bats that can be used to attack enemies.
    • Abyss Shackles: By condensing darkness or shadows into chains, this can limit or control the enemy.
    • Claw of Corrosion: This makes the user's nails grow an extra section with mysterious symbols and patterns. It is sharp enough to cut through steel, and furthermore has a strong corrosive ability. It is the bane of scale, skin, and membrane-based defense methods.
    • The Embrace: They can convert humans into their kind, by using excess Beyonder characteristics.[4][5]
    • Blood Servant Conversion: This is an upgrade of the Beast Tamer's ability to tame, domesticate, and order animals. It is very similar but different from the act of The Embrace, with the difference being that the vampire does not need to give Beyonder Characteristics to the target when performing a Blood Servant Conversion.
      • When humans become Blood Servants, their constitution will be greatly improved, they will become immune to many illnesses.
      • Any terminal illnesses a human originally has before conversion, will either disappear completely or becomes treatable after the conversion.
      • Regardless of the benefits, Blood Servants cannot disobey their master's orders, this is equivalent to becoming the puppet of a Vampire.
  • They gain various physical improvements.
    • Their lifespan increases up to 300 years.
    • Their appearance, as well as charisma, improve.
    • Their constitution and senses are strengthened and refined.
    • They possess extremely strong speed and agility
    • They gain superhuman regeneration capabilities.

Sequence 6: Potions Professor[]

Sanguine Rank: Baron

New Abilities[1]
  • Discerning Spiritual Materials: This ability allows them to mix and create potions and perfumes that contain extraordinary effects.
    • This ability comes from the knowledge that comes directly from their own Beyonder Characteristics, it can be considered as the qualitative change as a senior Apothecary.
      • They are now able to treat terminal illness, as opposed to only slowing down its effects.
    • Potions Professors who made preparations beforehand, who drank the corresponding potions to counter certain challenges, are almost always very difficult to deal with.
    • Their potions and perfumes are like Mystical Items, meaning they lack Beyonder Characteristics, and consequently have expiration dates.
    • Conflicts may occur between different types of potions when drink together, bringing about negative influences. A Potions Professor will never tolerate themselves becoming an exploding cocktail, thus, they will often do their best to limit the type and quantity of potions they plan on drinking for a fight.
    • Their level of knowledge, and the spiritual materials they have access to are what limit the types of potions and perfumes they can create.
      • Some known potions include, but are not limited to:
        • Invisibility Potion: Makes the user invisible, and can also be used on objects to make them invisible.
        • Anti-Smell Potion: Eliminates the user's smell to blend in with the surroundings.
        • Anti-Dream Potion: Prevents the user from being pulled into dreams.
        • Fire Breathing Potion: After pouring it into the user's mouth, the user can then spit it out as a breath of fire.
        • Sun Water: Can be used as a powerful weapon against undead or vampire-type enemies.
        • Nightveil Potion
        • Shadow Potion: The effect is to incorporate shadow movement
    • A true, outstanding Potions Professor will always research and invent new types of potions and perfumes based on the knowledge they've learned or acquired.

Strengthened Abilities

  • Physical Enchantment: Their speed, agility, and strength are improved.[1]
  • Potions Professors have their lifespan improved.[1]

Sequence 5: Scarlet Scholar[]

Sanguine Rank: Viscount

New Abilities
  • A Scarlet Scholar's understanding and research of the Moon domain directly correlates with the effectiveness of their two core abilities.
    • Lunar Battlefield: The ability to create an environment that's more advantageous for themselves than for the enemy. This is mainly achieved through the control of moonlight.[1]
      • If the enemy is not good at dealing with Spirituality or Spirit World related combat & situations, the Scarlet Scholar will aim to create an environment covered by the effect of a Full Moon.
      • If the enemy is great at dealing with Spirituality or Spirit World related combat & situations, the Scarlet Scholar will aim to create an environment devoid of moonlight.
    • When moonlight is shining upon an area, they will be able to use certain abilities.[1]
      • Flash Teleportation: They can teleport to another location within a certain radius, provided moonlight is present.
      • Spectral Moonlight Form: Their body transforms into a condensed form of moonlight, even if they are hit and shattered into pieces in this state, they could reconstruct and reform themselves either on the spot or in another location under the moonlight. The only requirement is that they aren't hit in the heart by the attacks.

Strengthened Abilities

  • A Scarlet Scholar's expertise in the Moon domain strengthens various aspects.
    • Darkness related spells are improved.
    • Increased effectiveness of all their created potions.
    • Their resistance to Nightmare-related influences are reinforced.
  • Their physical abilities are further enhanced.
    • They can move fast enough to produce afterimages.

Sequence 4: Shaman King[]

Sanguine Rank: Earl

New Abilities
  • Spirituality Manipulation: Shaman Kings can simply "interact with nature", and this interaction alone replaces all the preparation and material required for a ritual, allowing Shaman Kings to directly perform "rituals" that can let them borrow the Moon's power on the spot. This makes them very terrifying opponents.[1]
    • They can increase the spirituality in a region to convert dead bodies into undead controlled by them.
  • Substitution Spells: They can use Substitution Spells, "substitution" in this case can refer to the Shaman Kings themselves or their targets.[1]
    • Moon Paper Figurine: They can substitute themselves with a paper figurine that seems to be coagulated from moonlight.
    • Gaze of Darkness: As a target's figure reflects into one of the Shaman King's eyeballs, the eyeball will have made a "substitution connection" with the target. After that, whatever Shaman King does to their eyeball, will be directly manifested onto the target.
      • Grabbing the eyeball into the palm of their hand, the target will be engulfed by darkness, solidifying it and restraining the target.
      • Crushing the eyeball into a bloody pulp will gravely injure or even destroy the target.
  • Bat Swarm Transformation: Similar to Moonlight Transformation, they gain the ability to divide themselves into a swarm of vampire bats that are in a state of existence that's both real and illusory. While in this form, unless the enemy can kill every single one of those bats, they can reconstruct and reform into their original form again without trouble.
  • Although their heart is still their biggest weak point, Shaman Kings also develop another weak point, a small "Crimson Moon" inside their head.

Strengthened Abilities

  • Physical Enhancement: They have a strong physique and constitution, ridiculous speed, and regeneration abilities that exceed the limit of imagination, despite this, they are more like a spell-caster class than a melee fighter.
    • The eyeball(s) they lose while using Gaze of Darkness would grow back not too long after combat, to further emphasize their absurd regenerative capabilities a Saint-level Beyonder of other Pathways would become one-eyed/completely blind if they were to perform the same action.
  • Their lifespan increases to 1000 years after which their body and vital organs will slowly deteriorate until death. The limit of a Shaman King is usually 1200 years but through special mysticism means they can extend their lifespan e.g. placing seals on their body, or sleeping in a coffin.
  • Their mastery of all kinds of Moon and Darkness spells are further improved.

Sequence 3: High Summoner[]

Sanguine Rank: Marquis

New Abilities[1]
  • High Summoners rely on the Moon's influence on the Spirit World.
    • Door of Summoning: Through an illusory door engraved with many mysterious symbols, they can Summon all kinds of strong creatures from the depth of the Spirit World to come to their aid
      • If their social network allows them, they could form contracts with Angels, directly Summoning "Them" when needed.
      • This ability occasionally encounters anomalies that are hard to control, allowing weird creatures that are not from the Spirit World nor formed any contracts to descend into reality. Rumour has it that these creatures all can be traced back and point to the infinite and dark Cosmos.
        • These anomalies can be good or bad, some High Summoners die from such incidents. While others obtained powerful abilities, or obtain items that are different from Beyonder Items formed from any of the 22 pathways.

Strengthened Abilities

  • They are also exceptional magic users in the realm of Moon and Darkness.
    • They can use a pair of bat wings to enclose an area in darkness and make it as though it has been separated from the real world.

Sequence 2: Life-Giver[]

Sanguine Rank: Duke


  • "They" have mastery over the "Power of Creation".[1]

Sequence 1: Beauty Goddess[]

Sanguine Rank: Queen (Sanguines have only Queens and no males Princes)[6]

Gender Transition:

  • In the promotion, a man would transform into a woman.


  • Beauty: "Their" Beauty is pure, sublime, and divine, making one want to admire and protect "Them", yet daring not to approach, or desecrate "Them". [7]
  • Femininity: "They" are Female Creatures who are the representation of Yin Energy. [1]
  • Some of "Their" strongest abilities revolve around their Beauty, and Charm, the Spirituality of gravitation.

Sequence 0: Moon[]

Sanguine Rank: True Ancestor


  • "She" has an authority over Moon, Reproduction, Fertility and Proliferation.[8][9]
    • Moon ( Spirituality Manipulation ):
      • "She" could induce the Blood Moon to appear every day, allowing the negative energy to rampage through the lands and The Spirit World to interact with reality for an extended period, releasing countless unspeakable monsters and Evil Spirits.[10]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Beauty: "She" becomes the most Beautiful being in the whole world and universe due to the massive enhancement of "Her" Beauty. [11]


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