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Oh, and there’s another category of items in the field of mysticism called extraordinary items. They are made by Beyonders of corresponding Sequences using their abilities, spirituality, or with the help of the spirit world or deities.

Mysterious Lady to Lumian Lee
on Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 30

Mystical Item[]

Mystical items, Extraordinary items, or Beyonder items, generally refer to items that have little negative effects and can be used effectively. They do not contain any Beyonder Characteristics and have have a certain level of supernatural effects. Their strength will gradually dissipate over time. Generally they are made by Beyonders who infuse them with the power of their own pathway or by praying to an entity.[1]

Certain sequences of pathways such as hunters cannot rely on their own sequence to create mystical items but as long as they have sufficiently high spirituality they can use ritualistic Magic to pray to a deity or a hidden existence and use their responses to make them.[2]

List of Mystical Items[]

Name Appearance Function Downside Status
Ancient Silver Mirror A classic silver mirror with mysterious patterns on the sides. Unknown Lost
Aura of Blatherer A thin blood crystal
Authority Holder's Under-the-table Transaction Wooden box It simplifies complex deals by inserting items into a box and stating clear requirements. It has limited uses. Each use increases the risk of encountering evil creatures in future transactions.
Azik's Copper Whistle A copper whistle. It can summon one of Azik's messengers. It attracts undeads.
Beatrice's Necklace A diamond necklace Corresponds to a total of five desires: lust, appetite, acting, and fulfillment. The wearer will become more excited than usual, and their various desires will significantly increase.
Black Primordial Demoness Figurine A pitch-black, palm-sized figurine of a beautiful woman with snake-like hair. It is able to suppress non-conscious diseases, shielding the user from them.
Botis' Traveler's Bag A black pocket the size of a grown man's palm. A hidden space that can store items.
Bottomless Wine A bottle of dark-red wine. Restores stamina and spirituality after drinking it. If it is consumed more than once a day, the user will become a drunkard.
Cheek's Rings A sapphire ring It can make the bearer a vessel for the Primordial Demoness' descent. The descent puts a strain on the vessel.
Circle of Binding A cheap silver bracelet.
  1. It can use the Circle Inhabitant effect nine times, each Circle Inhabitant lasting no fewer than three times and no more than nine times.
  2. Whether or not the Circle Inhabitant uses are exhausted, this bracelet contaminated by Inevitability powers will enhance the abilities of Fate Appropriation, Fate Exchange, Magnified Fate, and Compelling Fate to the Circle Inhabitant level.
  1. Even just carrying this silver bracelet will unknowingly attract Inevitability boon recipients and be viewed with hostility by them.
  2. Each use of Circle Inhabitant will result in a period of bad luck, the specifics varying depending on the user's status.
Corpse Wax Candle A wax candle encased in a small glass vial with a light yellow and red hue. Allows user to form a pact with the City of Calamity. Without the required level or protection, the user will get corrupted and lose control.
Death Masks Golden masks streaked with black and white paint.
  1. Protects the wearer from the corrosion of the aura of death.
  2. Transforms the wearer into an undead creature.
  1. The purification of sunlight and lightning will be fatal to transformed undead.
  2. If a living person wears it for too long, they will truly become deceased.
Demon Mask A dark-gold mask Seals the thoughts and abilities of the person wearing it
Endless Cosmos An oil painting depicting a strange cosmos Allows the Inextinguishable Ravings and the Circle of Inevitability to transmit a bit of Their power into the barrier. Destroyed
Fallen Mercury A slivery-black dirk, twice the size of a normal one, covered with strange patterns. When it draws blood from a target, it can exchange one of the target’s fate with one it had stored. It cannot injure the target during the process.
If there is no fate stored in it to be exchanged, it has to completely kill the target to take one of his fate.
It has the ability to turn most living beings that come into contact with it into its slaves. Destroyed
Featureless Doll A featureless white cloth doll Appearance Morphing, Paper Figurine Subtitutes, Flaming Jump, and Danger Intuition. Weak bad luck and risk of losing identity.
Harvest Sacrifice A pitch-black scythe. Inflicts wounds that drain the target's life force when tainted with corresponding blood.
Ice Amulet An ice-like transparent rectangular amulet. Allows seven traversals through the Mirror World or fourteen transmissions of information.
Klein's Gold Coins Five gold coins.
  1. They are mediums which allow the user to participate in The Fool's Dream.
  2. They can enhance one's divination accuracy and the ability to resist outside interference.
Klein's Iron Cigar Case An iron cigar case with signs of corrosion. *Carries the aura of The Fool.
  • Resistant to corrosion.
Lilith's Ring A red ring with a blood-colored gem.
  1. Make the wearer more charming.
  2. Simulates a "silver" full moon.
  3. Summons spirit world creatures as strong as the user for around 5 minutes.
The user must drink a bottle of human blood every hour or else his blood will boil and death will occur in 15 minutes.
Mechanical Music Box A mechanical music box The potential to either kill or drive anyone who hears its music into madness. The owner must hear it for at least ten seconds.
Mirror Cufflink A glass-like cufflink Used
Mirror World Fragments A mirror fragment with a black, nearly lightless surface. Ability to create Mirror People.
Moon Paper Figurine A human look-alike papercut Can replace user against fatal injury or direct attack against the Soul Body. Make's the user feel slightly cold
Moon Puppet A slender puppet embedded with dried grass and flowers.
Painting Album A blank painting album The objects drawn on it might become alive and stay so for a short period of time. Never to respond to the knocks coming from the painting paper.
Persona Masks Seven grayish-white, cold, illusory masks.
  1. Each mask can amplify the knowledge and emotions corresponding to its sin to help the wearer realize their own problems.
  2. Allows the wearer to enter the Garden of Eden.
They will also bring some negative effects, and unknowingly change the wearer’s personality.
Proliferation Necklace A necklace with black miniature rhinoceros horn Charms a person It would corrupt both the user and the one it was used on Destroyed
Ring of the Sea Queen A simple silver ring A high-level Steal ability usable only once. The ancient Angel Amon will take notice of you.
Sanguine Anesthesia Gas Gas inside the metal tube. Cause deep slumber that lasts for more than three hours. Used
Seven-Stone Bracelet A bracelet with three diamonds flanked by four different-coloured gems. Allows user to travel through the spirit world. The user will hear random sounds when wearing it.
Shadow Cloak A black cloak. Allows user to blend into shadows.
The Magician's Traveler's Bag A deep-black cloth bag.
  1. It conceals another dimension within and can accommodate a vast array of items.
  2. While within the bag, Beyonder characteristics do not require regular relocation, and the negative effects of mystical items will significantly diminish.
It needs resealing and reinforcement every six months; otherwise, it will lose its mystical abilities and become ordinary.
Traveler Bracelet A silver bracelet. Allows user to travel through the spirit world The user will hear strange, faint murmurings during the full moon or blood moon Used
White Primordial Demoness Figurine A pure white, palm-sized bone figurine of a beautiful woman with snake-like hair.
  1. Possessing anti-divination and early warning abilities, it can also assist in performing rituals.
  2. It is able to suppress non-conscious diseases, shielding the user from them.


Amulets are objects believed to confer protection upon its possessor. The craftsmen will make them using Ritualistic Magic. They have to use their spirituality to carve the incantations and symbols, of the corresponding Domains, to the corresponding materials.[3] There would be a certain effect if an ordinary people make one, but not too exaggerated. Amulets, unlike Charms, do not need an activation incantation and are made for long-term non-combatant passive effects.

Amulets had to be engraved on both sides; and each side’s symbols, incantations, and characteristics, to their exact locations, or special formats in the realm of mysticism. When the maker doesn't know the correct number or magic labels, he can only ensure that both sides remained equal. According to the books of charms Klein had read, these would similarly satisfy the rules of mysticism, but the corresponding might would be reduced.[4]

The ones that were spread amongst the ordinary populace are generally filled with mistakes.[5]

Beyonder Weapon[]

A Beyonder Weapon is something different than a Sealed Artifact. While an artifact will always have a downside, a Beyonder weapon will not and can be used until it loses its power. A Beyonder Weapon is temporary due to not being made with a Beyonder characteristic but with ingredients that will lose their spirituality after some times. A Beyonder weapon is a fusion of the amulet and charm, possessing an activation incantation and active-passive effects for long-term usage as an item.

List of Beyonder Weapons[]

Name Appearance Function Status
Axe of Hurricane An thick iron black ax with many symbols and magic runes on its surface. It can raise agility and has a chance to produce a numbing effect or lightning at every strike depending of the weather. Used
Holy Sunbird Whip A whip that can be disguised as a belt. Purification
Holy Water Creation
Inevitable Gun A brass revolver.
  1. It will continuously spread disease and decay within a three-kilometer radius, with random types of diseases.
  2. It can add either the Certain Death or Sure Hit effect to fired bullets, for a total of thirteen times, which can be stacked with the original Heavy Strike effect.
Inscribed Steel Sword A Steel Sword Purifying and Warding
Meat Cleaver A meat cleaver with exquisite mechanical structure. Transformation
Thunderclap Explosion A hunting bow
Whip of Slowness A whip Slows the opponent
Winter is Coming An intricate mechanical black revolver.
  1. The bullets it fires carry a corruption, producing two effects: One, ensures the bullet hits its target; even Saints, unless they use special abilities to dodge, will be hit.
  2. Two, ensures death; even Saints, lacking certain traits and abilities, once hit, will suffer great trauma and gradually die. For beings below demigods, a hit means certain death.
  3. These two effects cannot coexist; a choice is made for each shot.


Using these charms is akin to burning money! Even if I don’t account for my labor costs, the materials alone already averaged to about six to eight soli per charm!

Klein Moretti
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 133

(From left to right) Slumber Charm - Requiem Charm - Dream Charm

Charms are mystical items that have the power bestowed from a high-level existence as their essence, contained in a vessel that can handle the said power, and stabilized by the powers from corresponding symbols craved on precious metals. With the activation incantation set by the engraver-maker, the charm cane be used by any holder. Once used, the charm will physically burning once the activation period is completed. Out of many charms, those of the Eternal Blazing Sun domain are the most wasteful, burning gold.[6]

According to Pallez Zoroast, the uniqueness of the vessel also influences the potency of the charm upon completion. To activate the charms, the wielder must use specific incantations; it is impossible to use them at will.

While charms have useful abilities to utilize in battles, the spirituality contained in them would decrease over time; as a matter of course, a high-grade charm tends to last longer than a low-grade one. Low-grade charms had to be renewed once every two weeks. Also, it was necessary to activate them with specific incantations; it was impossible to use them at will.[7]

List of Charms[]

Name Domain Function
Aquatic Affinity Charm Tyrant Symbol2 Tyrant It gave the user affinity with underwater creatures.
Brass Charm Justiciar Symbol2 Justiciar Channeling the Trunsoest Brass Book's power.
Deity's Curse Darkness Symbol2 Darkness

Wheel of Fortune Symbol2 Wheel of Fortune

Gives a misfortune curse at god-level to the target.
Dream Charm Darkness Symbol2 Darkness It allows the wielder to enter the dream of someone else.
Fate Siphon Error Symbol2 Error Siphon off the fate between wielder and target in a short time.
Flaring Sun Charm Sun Symbol2 Sun Calls forth a pure and blazing hot pillar of light from the sky
Language Comprehension Charm White Tower Symbol2 White Tower Temporarily strengthen and alter the Body of Heart and Mind, improving understanding, reasoning, and communication.
Language of Foulness Hanged Man Symbol2 Hanged Man Let the opponent hear a terrifying roar, infecting them with madness
Ninth Law Justiciar Symbol2 Justiciar Can produce a might that’s similar to Justiciar Pathway
Requiem Charm Darkness Symbol2 Darkness Able to soothe ghosts, souls, zombies, and the like. It can also deal with vengeful and evil spirits to a certain extent.
Scholar of Yore Cane Fool Symbol2 Fool It can be used to regain peak strength during weak stages by borrowing power from History, and can only be used once.
Shriek Charm Chained Symbol2 Chained Its ability is to forcefully put the traget to sleep.
Slumber Charm Darkness Symbol2 Darkness Its ability is to forcefully put the traget to sleep.
Summoning Charm Activate to establish a connection with the charm's creator.
Teleportation Charm Door Symbol2 Door It allows the caster to teleport to a different place.
Yesterday Once More Charm Fool Symbol2 Fool Gives the user the ability to see through one's past and borrow the power of their historical self for a period of time.

List of Ammunitions[]

Name Domain Function
Aging Bullets Error Symbol2 Error Cause the target to lose plenty of vitality if the enemy could be affected by it, making them enter an aged state.
Control Spirit Bullets Fool Symbol2 Fool Paralyzing one body once being hit.
Deceit Bullets Error Symbol2 Error It was capable of misdirecting the target, making them make errors in judgment.
It can also be used to deceive rules.
Demon Hunting Bullets Twilight Giant Symbol2 Twilight Giant Over effective against Corrupted Creatures.
Deprivation Bullets Error Symbol2 Error It was used to steal three Beyonder powers that the target had formerly used, beginning with the most recent power.
Deprivation Bullets (Gluttony) PrimordialHunger crop Gluttony Those struck or grazed by it will lose one Beyonder power within fifteen minutes.
Exorcism Bullets Sun Symbol2 Sun They can be used to purify ghost-related monsters.
Implosion Bullets
Impregnating Bullets MotherGoddessOfDepravity crop Chaos Primogenitor People and animals shot by it will inevitably become pregnant, and the corresponding symptoms will swiftly manifest.
Parasite Bullets Error Symbol2 Error It would create Worms of Time that didn't live long. They would secretly Parasitize the target's body and allow the shooter to control them.
Poison Bullets
Purifying Bullets Sun Symbol2 Sun Purify Ghosts
Putrid Bullets
Weakening Bullets


No medicine made with ordinary ingredients can provide the permanent restorative effects of a ritual. Extraordinary ingredients are very rare, and most of them are not suitable for restorative medicine.

Old Neil to Klein Moretti
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 78

Medicine is an extraordinary mixture. Using spiritual ingredients, or made through Ritualistic Magic, the prepared finished products will slowly lose their spirituality, and generally have an expiration date.

This list include, medicine/ingredients that doesn't have any Beyonder, power but are useful in mysticism. From 1352 and up to 1358 of the Fifth Epoch, The Fool Pharmaceutical Company founded by Emlyn White has introduced higher importance to the medical industry.[8]

List of Medicines[]

Name Ingredients/Process Description
Amantha extract Mixed of Night vanilla, slumber flower, and chamomile, all distilled and extracted to form this aromatic floral essence.[9] An aromatic floral essence. Daly call it ‘Amantha;’ it means tranquility in the Hermes language. There is a quiet and charming fragrance, which can relax people's emotions and instantly calm as if they was gazing into the darkness of the silent night.[9]
Eye of the Spirit medication Barks and leaves of drago and poplar trees are sun-dried for seven days and decocted thrice. Then immersed them in Lanti Wine.[9] There is an ethereal scent of the aromatic wine, which is a good helper for psychics and a charming enough flower essence.[9]
Goddess’s Gaze
A dark red liquid. It has a certain therapeutic effect, and its main function is to stimulate the spirit and squeeze the potential of the body, so that people can maintain a good state in a short period of time and support them until they return to receive treatment.[10]
Holy Night Powder Slumber flowers, Dragon Blood grass, deep red sandalwood, mint powder, and other herbs.[11][12] Originated from the Church of the Evernight Goddess. It can assist Beyonder to guide their own power before ritual magic, create a wall of spirituality, and build a clean and undisturbed spiritual environment around them.[13] The limit is up to obtaining a personal silver knife or reaching Sequence 7.[12]
Quelaag’s Oil A mix of mint and disinfectant It could help a person ignore the stench of rotting corpses, as well as refresh and clear the mind.[14]
Sedative Agent
A blue fluid rippled in the translucent glass bottle. It made users stay awake and feel as though they had entered a mother’s embrace. It was a liquid medicine that was rarely used yet was very efficient in mediumship.[15][16]
Serenity Agent
Its made users maintaining clam and rationale.[17]
Sanguine Anesthesia Gas
Cause deep slumber that lasts for more than three hours.[18]
Mysticism Smelling Salts (Awakening Gas)
An extremely foul-smelling gas that wakes the smeller up. It can be use to cancel or protect from the sleeping gas.[17] It was named "Mysticism Smelling Salts" by Franca.[19]
Truth Serum (Confession Concoction)
A serum that make exceedingly challenging to lie. What the victims utter should stem from their innermost desires.[20]
Bark Agent
It toughens the user skin and muscles, rendering them as resilient as trees.[21]
Berserk Agent
It grants the user extraordinary strength when unleashed.[21]
Healing Agent
It mends most external wounds, alleviates severe injuries, and eliminates minor ailments.[21]

See Also[]


  1. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 30
  2. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter Chapter 30
  3. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 69
  4. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 771
  5. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 83
  6. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 133
  7. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 127
  8. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 235
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 14
  10. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 76
  11. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 105
  12. 12.0 12.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 216
  13. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 51
  14. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 141
  15. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 184
  16. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 185
  17. 17.0 17.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 224
  18. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 516
  19. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 223
  20. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 182
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 227

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