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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The essence of the divine pathway is to transform Beyonders into deities. At Sequence 4, we can assume our own Mythical Creature Form, albeit incomplete. For those below Sequence 4, merely witnessing this form can inflict harm. They might even lose control.

Aurore Lee to Lumian Lee
on Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 73

Mythical Creature Form (神话生物形态, Shénhuàshēngwù Xíngtài) is a transformation and a species category introduced in the Lord of Mysteries. Every demigod, including Saints and Angels, have their own Pathway's Mythical Creature Form. A Mythical Creature is the divine form of a Sequence 4 or higher Beyonder. Beyonders at Sequence 4 and 3 only possesses an incomplete Mythical Creature Form; only at Sequence 2 and above does a Beyonder become a true Mythical Creature.


He just needs to reveal his Mythical Creature Form
to make you lose control and become a lunatic.
The chances of you getting your revenge are zero!
This is the qualitative change that godhood brings.

Pallez to Leonard about his chances against Ince Zangwill
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 906

A Mythical Creature Form is not something that could be described superficially or in three-dimensions, as apart from quantitative terms like length, width, height, they're also a potpourri of complex knowledge, godhood characteristics, and secret symbols. Ordinary people and Beyonders below Sequence 4 will suffer tremendous damage from a simply glance at a Mythical Creature, without any godhood they will be corrupted by the spirituality, having their minds thrashed. A common outcome would either be death on the spot or going completely mad. And as the demigod grows in strength, the damage only grows more potent and irresistible. Therefore, creatures at this level have to constantly control themselves to not expose this form, or just from their very existence alone, it can bring about a catastrophe to their surroundings.[1][2]

The insanity and mutation from witnessing a Mythical Creature not only produce the symptoms of losing control of one’s pathway, but it also comes with the traits of the other party’s Sequence.

  • For example, observing the Mythical Creature Form of a Beyonder from the Sun Pathway will cause the observer to combust, and observing a Beyonder of the Demoness Pathway will cause the observer to become a Demoness.[3]

However, those who survive the impact from witnessing the Mythical Creature Form directly can learn corresponding potion formulas and understand the Beyonder powers of this existence.[4]

Form Differences[]

The Mythical Creature Form of Saints (Sequence 4 and 3 Beyonders) is incomplete. They only possess some racial characteristics of their Mythical Creature Form. Only Beyonders at Sequence 2 and above possess a true Mythical Creature Form.

Before becoming a complete Mythical Creature, a Saint will still be hungry and thirsty, but for a Sequence 3 demigod, it is bearable for ten and a half days without supplementary food and water. As for the complete Mythical Creature Form, eating is just a hobby rather than a necessity.

A complete Mythical Creature can die of old age, but rarely, such as exhibited by Sequence 2 Discerner, Edefana.

When Beyonders switch their pathway, their Mythical Creature Form will adapt to combine their former and current pathways. For example, the Mythical Creature Form of Ince Zangwill was the combination of the Darkness and Death pathway forms: a strange monster with eight legs and white feathers, it was a spider or some deformed feathered wolf.[5] The Mythical Creature Form of Hawick was the combination of the Twilight Giant and Death pathway forms.

According to the author, those who reach Sequence 0, can change the Mythical Creature Form of "Their" respective pathway. For example, the Death Pathway, which changed from the Phoenix to the Feathered Serpent.[6]

Known Mythical Creature Forms[]

Standard Pathways[]

Pathway Mythical Creature Form
Lord of Mysteries
Fool Symbol2 Fool
Worm of Spirit
Tentacled spiraling vortex of Worms of Spirit. A Worm of Spirit looks like a transparent maggot with three-dimensional patterns.
Error Symbol2 Error
Worm of Time
Ancient stone Clock with Worms of Time hands, or a Worm of Time composed of twelve knot patterns.[7] A Worm of Time looks like a strange worm with about 8 circles, the transparent rings of has many three-dimensional patterns as though time is swirling through them.
Door Symbol2 Door
Worm of Star
Huge humanoid figure composed of balls of light formed by Worms of Star and constructed by layers of Doors.[8] A Worm of Star looks like an insect formed from resplendent starlight, its body is bent into a semi-circle, forming a magical glow that resembled illusory doors.[9]
God Almighty
Visionary Symbol2 Visionary Golden-Eyed Dragon with Gray Scales, known as a Mind Dragon.[10]
Hanged Man Symbol2 Hanged Man Flowing shadows with eyes hidden behind the curtain of shadows.
Sun Symbol2 Sun Unknown Feathered Creature burning in Golden Flames.
Tyrant Symbol2 Tyrant Unknown Sea Creature with Tentacles surrounded by Lightning.
White Tower Symbol2 White Tower Illusory Bookshelves. In different places of the bookshelves, there are pools of black, liquid shadows hidden.[11]
Eternal Darkness
Darkness Symbol2 Darkness Eight-legged Demonic Wolf. Can stand upright and act as a six-armed humanoid wolf.
Death Symbol2 Death White-yellow Feathered Serpent[Note 1]; The former form was a black-pale Phoenix. Feathers are covered in a oil-waxy substance.
Twilight Giant Symbol2 Twilight Giant Cyclops, a one-eyed giant with black and blue skin.
Calamity of Destruction
Demoness Symbol2 Demoness Gorgon, a woman with snake hair.[12]
Red Priest Symbol2 Red Priest Flaming Calamity Giant, a dark-skin giant of flame and other atmosphere disaster phenomena as well as covered with a purple flame-clad iron-black skeleton.
Demon of Knowledge
Hermit Symbol2 Hermit Countless cold, eyelash-less eyes on the body.[13]
Paragon Symbol2 Paragon
Key of Light
Wheel of Fortune Symbol2 Wheel of Fortune Scaleless Silver Snake covered with various mysterious patterns and symbols.
Goddess of Origin
Mother Symbol2 Mother
Moon Symbol2 Moon Flesh mountain of Reproductive Organs.[14]
Father of Devils
Abyss Symbol2 Abyss
Chained Symbol2 Chained "Their" true Mythical Creature Form is a collection of various Curses, it is invisible and intangible, but outward manifestation of it depends on "Their" own self-awareness and choices made during "Their" advancements.[15]
The Anarchy
Black Emperor Symbol2 Black Emperor Curly Haired Baboon, a black curly hair primate with an exposed bottom.[Note 2]
Justiciar Symbol2 Justiciar

Non-Standard Pathways[]

Pathway Mythical Creature Form
CircleOfInevitability crop Eternal Aeon Three-headed, six-armed giant. The heads show different statistics of time: the past, present and future.
MotherGoddessOfDepravity crop Chaos Primogenitor
MotherTreeOfDesire crop Scrooge
UncertainMist crop Chaos Mist
PrimordialHunger crop Gluttony
SupernovaDominator crop Astronomy Aficionado
InextinguishableRavings crop Initiator
MonarchOfDecay crop Second Law Time Giant with a left hand of decay.
HighDimensionalOverseer crop Sublunary Eye Dimensional Shadow: a shadowy figure traversing different dimensions
GoddessOfFate crop Dreamless

Exchanged Pathways' Combinations[]

Pathway Example Beyonder(s) Combined Mythical Creature Form
Death Symbol2 Death+Darkness Symbol2 Darkness Ince Zangwill, Hela Sequence 4: A spider or some deformed feather wolf.[17] It had ink black eyes, additional four skinless arms covered in white feathers, and sharp long teeth. The body seemed to be embedded with numerous blurry, tiny faces. A strange monster with eight “legs” and white feathers.[5]
Twilight Giant Symbol2 Twilight Giant +Death Symbol2 Death Hawick Sequence 3: A nearly four meters tall body with long limbs. It was covered in white feathers that were tainted with faint yellow oil.[18]
Red Priest Symbol2 Red Priest+Demoness Symbol2 Demoness Lumian Lee Sequence 2: Calamity Giant with long blood color hair in form of venomous snakes, some rotating black and white eyeballs at the top, others opening jaws with venomous fangs.


  1. In real-life, the Feathered Serpent is widely spread in South American ancient culture. "Quetzalcoatl" is a deity in Mesoamerican culture and literature of the Aztecs whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means "feathered serpent". It is "Kukulkan" of the Yucatec Mayans'.
  2. Initially the author set it to be a human-like/humanoid form. However, Chinese fans started self-proclaiming it as Curly Haired Baboon, so the author changed it to Curly Haired Baboon.[16]


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