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Sequence 9: Hunter[]

New Abilities[1]
  • Knowledge (Survival, Traps): Upon drinking the Hunter potion, they will receive an influx of knowledge on how to survive and hunt targets in the wilderness, as well as how to place traps.
    • As for the survival knowledge itself, it is about wild plants and animal organs, potential hemostatic medicine when injured, and poisons to smear their weapons with.
    • When it comes to trap knowledge, they can accurately locate certain spots in their environment, enabling them to efficiently set up traps in their surroundings.
      • Hunters gain a level of expertise with the use of explosives, allowing them to act as a demolition expert, or rig intricate explosive traps.[2]
      • This ability allows Hunters to find natural traps, such as unstable cliffs or quicksand, to trap an opponent without setting one up first.
    • They gain an innate ability to memorize environments. [3]
  • Physical Enhancement: They possess inhuman physical qualities, giving them increased strength, speed, reaction, body control, and natural healing ability.
    • They possess the strength of a bear and the agility of a cat, being slightly equivalent to the combination of the two creatures.
    • Their punches are strong enough to easily cause the air to release cracking sounds and gain a few centimeters in height.[4]
  • Heightened Senses: a Hunter's overall auditory, olfactory, and visual senses are enhanced exponentially, this gives them strong tracking skills.
    • This allows them to accurately discern different scents; "see" invisible footprints and minute details; and hear hushed sounds.
      • Their hearing is strong enough to determine the weight of a person from just their footsteps.[4]
    • Their supernatural sensory abilities would only appear when they focus, taking the form of a weaker version that doesn't disturb them in their everyday lives.
  • Spirituality: Their Spirituality is slightly enhanced as a Beyonder, but they are among the weakest in this field, far inferior to other Sequence 9s who excel at it.[5][6]
    • Ritualistic Magic:? They can learn and cast only the most basic of Ritualistic Magic.
    • Spirit Vision:? They can learn to use Spirit Vision through Cogitation.[7][8]
      • A Hunter's Spirit Vision can only discern the Ether Body and weak spiritual creatures.
      • The probability of a Hunter succeeding in Cogitation on their first try is very low.
    • Danger Intuition: They can passively sense ill intentions and danger.

Sequence 8: Provoker[]

New Abilities[9][10]
  • Provocation: Provokers possess the ability of Provocation which induces a permanent state change on themselves but also requires activation in order to achieve its desired effect.
    • The former refers to an improvement in their observation skills, allowing them to discern which words, actions, and situations would most easily trigger agitation from their target.
      • In extreme cases, they can even cause a target enter a temporary loss of control.
    • The latter refers to the act of Provocation, which when employed, merges insults and humiliation, causing the targets to lose their composure and make irrational decisions.
      • If they encounter a beast, a monster, or a Beyonder who is out of control and is unable to communicate, Provokers can instead exude a repugnant aura that incites conflict.
      • The more tailored the taunts and humiliation, the more effective the Provocation. However, even a word like "Dogshit!" could incite anger to some degree.
      • The ability of Provocation is well-suited to lure enemies into traps and ambushes which those in the Red Priest Pathway excel in.
Strengthened Abilities[10]
  • Physical Enhancement: A Provoker's physique becomes slightly stronger, granting them an overall increase in their strength, reflexes, speed, and agility.
    • Their natural regeneration also gets enhanced, but not by much.
  • Spirituality: Their Spirituality is slightly enhanced once again.
    • Spirit Vision: They can activate Spirit Vision smoothly using a simple gesture.

Sequence 7: Pyromaniac (Fire Mage)[]

New Abilities[11][12]
  • Pyrokinesis: They possess the ability to freely control and conjure flames within their vicinity.
    • Their control over flames could be categorized into seven distinct aspects.
      1. Compression: A Pyromaniac can Compress flames before releasing them. The longer they Compress their flames, the more flames gathered, resulting in a more potent strike.
        • They can create a highly-compressed Fireball which can be thrown at their target.
      2. Fire Armor: They can ignite a layer of Flame Armor over their body, affording them a measure against various forms of assault while still allowing them to breathe in air.
        • It gives some defense against freezing effects, poisonous gases, and other assault.
      3. Conjure Flames: They are able to Conjure temporary weapons using flames, capable of inflicting scorching, cutting, and piercing damage.
        • At this Sequence, a Pyromaniac's Conjured weapons lacked a tangible form, and as such they cannot be used to block or parry.
      4. Area of Effect: They possessed area-of-effect attacks. By extending the reach of the flames instead of hurling them forth, they could ensure precise control over their detonation, causing them to erupt at a desired location or manifest in different forms.
      5. Delay Explosions: They are able to delay explosions. By employing additional spirituality and manipulating the structure, they could fashion a Flame Bomb that would detonate at a predetermined time, rather than immediately upon impact.
      6. Fire Enchant: They are able to Enchant their melee weapons or projectiles with Fire, granting it fire damage, it could also be used to give it Spirit Body burning properties, making it effective against creatures of a soul-like nature.
      7. Fire Infusion: Through close-quarters combat and the forceful clash of strength, they could gradually inject flames into an opponent's body before triggering their detonation, dealing massive damage to the enemy's body.
    • In addition, They receive 4 fire related spells they could cast quickly. Unlike a Warlock, they don’t need materials, symbols or recite incantations in their minds to launch them, in terms of actual combat, it’s faster, and more convenient.[13]
      1. Fire Ravens: Summons multiple ravens made of fire. These ravens are great at intercepting and locking-on multiple targets at the same time making it more difficult to avoid than a regular Fireball and can be detonated early to impede their target's movements.
        • This granted them a degree of control even after launching flames, enabling them to momentarily adjust their flight path and lock onto their intended targets.
        • Without this spell, a recently promoted Pyromaniac, would need to expend way more Spirituality and energy to achieve a similar outcome.
      2. Wall of Fire: Summons forth a pair of flaming serpents that slithered toward the enemy, erecting a scorching barrier around them by utilizing the ground as a conduit and drawing upon its own essence to maintain itself without their Spirituality.
      3. Blazing Spear: Creates a spear made of blazing-white fire which can be thrown. This spear does higher damage then an average Fireball but has a lower area of effect. A direct hit would nail their target to the ground before burning them inside-out.
      4. Giant Fireball: This spell is akin to that of the Compression of numerous crimson Fireballs into a single Giant Fireball. Such an attack that directly hits a target will lead to a devastating blast with a large area of effect radius.
    • Their flames can burn a Spirit Body, making them effective against creatures of a soul-like nature.
    • They can exert minute influence over combustible substances within their vicinity.
  • Fire Resistance: Their bodies have a remarkable resistance to flames. Even if doused in animal fat and subjected to the flames of a torch for half a day, the damage they suffered would be minimal.
    • However, the concussive force of an explosion could still harm them in a conventional manner.

Strengthened Abilities[12]

  • Spirituality: A Pyromaniac's Spirituality receives a remarkable improvement.
    • Spirit Vision: Pyromaniacs can now easily and discreetly activate Spirit Vision, use it better, as well as be able to discern the various components of the Ether Body.
    • Danger Intuition: Their danger instinct has been enhanced.
      • They could now activate their intuition preemptively, and as a result, they could detect if they were being followed and employ their anti-tracking techniques more effectively and flawlessly.

Sequence 6: Conspirer[]

New Abilities[14]
  • Enhanced Mental Attributes: Upon drinking this Sequence 6 potion, Conspirers will gain an enhanced insight, and a sharper and much more clearer thinking.
    • They will also gain a series of other specific improvements, such as an enhanced intelligence and the ability to fabricate excuses to convince others.
  • Misdirection, Confusion, Deception (Conspiracy): These factors of manipulation are the core components of Conspiracies which Conspirers can use to manipulate their opponents and develop a more advantageous environment for their plans.
    • Medici used various aspects of Deception and Misdirection in order to make it seem that "He" was unable to enter 4th Epoch Trier which "He" then used to commence a sneak attack and regain "His" status as a King of Angels[15].
    • Lumian Lee created a quick Conspiracy in order to determine whether a trader was lying about having mystical items. He had also created a Conspiracy to kill Hisoka in both his real and Dream Projection form.[16][17]
  • Incitement (Instigation): Conspirers can Incite certain thoughts or desires in someone’s mind through conversing with them, such as by consciously igniting the flames in their heart.
    • The way this ability works is very similar to that of an Instigator's Instigation.
  • Flame Transformation: Conspirers are able to merge with their fire weapons conjured from Pyrokinesis and travel to the destination that their fire weapon lands.
    • They can take other people with them but unlike Conspirers, they are not immune to the flames.[18]
    • They are able to merge with some of the fire spells they can cast too, such as a Fireball, etc.
    • The initial range is 10 meters. This would increase over time as they digest their potion.

Strengthened Abilities[14]

  • Information-Gathering: They gain enhancements on their five senses and spiritual perception.
    • This is the strengthened form of Heightened Senses.
  • Physical Enhancement: Their physique has been improved to a certain extent.
  • Spirituality: A Conspirer's Spirituality has also been enhanced to a degree.
  • Pyrokinesis: Their precise control over flames has improved. Their flames are now crimson-white.
    • Compression: The difficulty of repeatedly compressing the crimson flames to form incandescent white flames decreased. The time required was significantly reduced and, depending on the flame's specific appearance and energy density, it ranged from one to three seconds.
    • Conjure Flames: They can now Conjure their controlled flames into different forms, such as whips and sabers. In addition, due to the more solid and tangible nature of their flames, they are now able to parry with these Conjured fire weapons.

Sequence 5: Reaper[]

New Abilities[19][20]
  • Weakness Investigation: Through supernatural means, a Reaper is able to discern a target’s vulnerabilities and weak points in their defenses.
    • They can also find weaknesses in certain physical structures or supernatural barriers (like the walls from a Guardian's Protection).
    • This applies to non physical bodies as well, which can be seen when Lumian attacked Hisoka's Dream Projection.[16]
  • Cull: They can infuse any of their attacks with this Beyonder power to harvest their target's life, making each attack akin to striking an enemy's vital points and weaknesses.
    • To a certain extent, they could even inflict real damage on demigod-level creatures, provided they didn’t block or successfully evade, and refrained from using mystic defenses.
      • They can also damage non-physical bodies and physical structures with Cull.[16]
    • If they hit a genuine weakness or vital point, it could deliver a fatal blow, making it challenging for the target to withstand three consecutive attacks.
      • This rule applies to even high defense targets like Guardians.
  • Precision: A Reaper is able to precisely target a predetermined location and carefully manipulate Fireballs, Fire Ravens, and all sorts of Fire Spells.
    • Through this, they can split a colossal Fireball into hundreds, striking different targets with accuracy, achieving effective area-of-effect damage.
  • Both Cull and Precision require a substantial amount of Spirituality, which makes them hard to repeatedly use when in prolonged fights.
    • The exception to this rule is using the combination of Precision and Fire Raven, as Fire Raven could allocate a bit of Spirituality and is easily manipulated, making the overall consumption of a Reaper's Spirituality low.

Strengthened Abilities[20]

  • Physical Enhancement: Their strength, speed, and endurance have improved.
    • However, they are still not resilient enough to withstand a bullet with their body.
  • Spirituality: Their Spirituality has been enhanced to a significant degree.
  • Pyrokinesis: Their ability to manipulate and control flames has been enhanced.
    • Compression: They can Compress flames into a blazing white state in an incredibly short time.
  • Enhanced Mental Attributes: A Reaper's thinking becomes clearer.
  • Flame Transformation: Ignoring the high Spirituality consumption, they can now merge with their flames and swiftly cover dozens to hundreds of meters.

Sequence 4: Iron-blooded Knight[]

Gender Transition

If a female were to drink this potion, their gender will be changed to that of a male.

New Abilities[21]
  • Mind of Steel: Iron-blooded Knights have courage comparable to steel, giving them high resistance against mental attacks and ensures they are not knocked down by fear.[22]
    • However such courage balances fear without recklessness, ensuring that they don't suffer from falling into any traps due to their enhanced confidence.[23]
  • Weapon Augmentation: Iron-blooded Knights can turn any ordinary object into a terrifying murderous weapon through their Weapon Augmentation.
    • Using this method, an ordinary fountain pen could become as dangerous as a fired cannonball.
    • Such weapons will also have their corresponding durability/strength match them as well.[23]
    • The Augmentation range can reach up to 10 kilometers for an Iron-blooded Knight.[24]
    • Augmented items can be covered in flames and function as Fireballs for them.[24]
    • Augmented items can be thrown upwards at high speeds across distance.[24]
  • Chain of Command: Iron-blooded Knights have a hidden connection with those under their command.
    • The need of a ritual for this connection depends on several things.[25]
      • If the mental resonance is strong enough and lack of subconscious resistance is especially high, merely declaring that a target is part of their team can form a connection.
        • Otherwise, they must conduct a ritual for such a connection to be made.
    • There are 3 ways they can use Chain of Command:[23]
      1. Communication: Using the connection, they can share senses between their troops.
      2. Strength Concentration: They can focus the power of their army onto themselves.
      3. Alleviation: They can spread the damage on themselves to their troops.
  • Galvanization: Iron-blooded Knights can transform their body and their own flames into steel at will.[21]
Strengthened Abilities[21]
  • Pyrokinesis: The heat from their flames increases exponentially, the flames taking on a bluish-white color. Such an enhancement also increases their flames' explosive strength by many factors.
  • Flame Transformation: They can now flame their body at will, allowing them to disperse into multiple flames which they can control precisely to move and then coalesce back into their body.
    • Even if most of the flames are extinguished by the enemy, it will not affect the integrity of their physical form, but instead weaken their vitality and Spirituality proportionally.
  • Cull: Their Cull ability has reached the Demigod level in terms of potency, allowing them to heavily damage Demigods through a well hit strike or the use of their Beyonder abilities.

Mythical Creature Form

  • As Sequence 4 Demigods they receive some level of Godhood, and with it comes an incomplete Mythical Creature Form. Disregarding all consequences, they can release their incomplete Mythical Creature Form to become an incomplete Calamity Giant.

Sequence 3: War Bishop[]

New Abilities

  • War Song/Cry: War Bishops can yell out a War Cry or sing a War Song to enhance oneself and their allies while also weakening any enemies that are near them.[26]
    • As for the enhancements War Cry can bring, it allows for a boost in morale to their troops, ensuring that they don't falter under stress, as well as a temporary increase in their strength and vitality.[23]
    • Unleashing such a War Cry when near an enemy or enemy forces will influence the enemies' mentality in a negative way, and suppress their overall strength and capabilities.
  • Fog of War: A War Bishop can form a Fog of War that disrupts the senses of anyone within it and also isolates the connection of things in the inside.[26]
    • It affects hearing and smell, suppress Spiritual Intuition, as well as hamper sensation of the Spirit World, which prevents most escape attempts using Spirit World Traversal.
    • It also disrupts most forms of mystical connections from accurately targeting those within a Fog of War, preventing most forms of Curses and Divination from working.[27]
      • Within the Fog of War, they are unaffected by anything.[23]
  • Ritualist of War (Petitioning): After offering sufficient sacrifices, each War Bishop can Petition the essence of war or the symbolic 'war' for assistance once per battle.[23]
    • They can use the essence of war to manifest a crimson, dripping banner emblem to increase the range of connecting to a target along with lowering it's difficulty to form a mental resonance.[28]
    • Through the essence of war a War Bishop is able to utilize the connection they have with their troops (via their Chain of Command) and swap positions with them.[29]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Chain of Command: War Bishops are able to unleash the true strength of an army.[21]
    • Crowd Control: They can fortify and connect members together, allowing them to strongly resist outside interference, which can ensure a fleet of airships move steadily even within a hurricane.[30]
    • Strength Gathering: They could gather power from their army and impart their own power to one of their troops, effectively increasing that member's strength for a period of time.[31]
      • The maximum range they can Gather Strength from others power to use for themselves or Gather power for their allies is 3 kilometers.
      • War Bishops can use the Beyonder powers of their allies and let their allies use their corresponding Beyonder powers.
        • They can use the Beyonder powers of their team members without their consent, but the team members need the War Bishop's permission to use theirs.[32]
        • If one ally borrows the Beyonder powers of the War Bishop, other allies cannot borrow other Beyonder powers at the same time.
        • Their allies are unable to share Beyonder powers amongst themselves.
      • The total amount of Spirituality and strength of the team remains unchanged.
    • Communication: Their previous ability as an Iron-blooded Knight has now been enhanced, allowing a War Bishop to pass down messages to their own troops.
      • In addition to that, a War Bishop can choose to selectively shield and modify certain information within the Communication, which can be used in many Conspiracies.
  • Pyrokinesis: Their flames are now pure azure, and the corresponding destructive power and the heat that their flames emits have been enhanced significantly.

Mythical Creature Form

  • As a Sequence 3 Beyonder, they can respond to prayers within a certain range.
    • The more anchors there are within a certain range from a War Bishop, the stronger they will be.
      • These anchors must be for the War Bishop for this effect to work.
      • Each of their soldiers count as anchors for the War Bishop.

Sequence 2: Weather Warlock[]

New Abilities

  • Charisma: "They" possess a charisma that makes people want to follow and be loyal to "Them", and may cause women to develop feelings of admiration, but there is no active charm.[23]


  • Weather (Weather Manipulation): "They" have partial Authority over Weather, allowing "Them" change regional atmosphere and create extreme weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, heavy rain, hail, blizzards, frost, and dense fog.[33][34]
    • Specific examples of such Authority in action include:
      • "They" can guide the weather around "Them" to send of legions of lightning strikes. While such an effect is weak, when combined with torrential rain, it can bring out shocking power.[35]
      • "They" can make the weather in the sky form torrential rain that can be guided to aim to a single area, which in a span of 2-3 hours, can submerge the entire Bansy Harbor.[35]
      • Just as "They" can create extreme weather conditions, "They" are also able to disperse and calm down various weather phenomena, both extreme and normal.[36]
    • While "They" cannot directly form meteors or earthquakes, "They" are able to create some indirectly through the precise trigger of other weather phenomena.[23]
      • "They" can bring forth a horrifying hurricane that "They" can form over the sea which can sweep in towering azure waves over 10 meters high to effectively create a small tsunami.[35]
    • Flight: Through this Authority, "They" can fly by the wind and levitate in the air.[23]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Information-Gathering: "Their" ability to observe the environment and thus extraction and restoration of environmental information has significantly enhanced.[37]
  • Physical Enhancement: "They" gain an improved strength and stamina.[23]
  • Spirituality: "Their" amount of Spirituality gets enhanced as well.[23]
  • Tracking: "Their" Tracking skills are of an advanced level.[23]
  • Pyrokinesis: "Their" flames now glow a violet-tinged azure to an azure-tinged violet depending on the potion's digestion, and "Their" control over flames has been massively improved.[23]
    • "They" can cover a battlefield of tens of kilometers, directly raining down Meteor Shower, or summoning flocks of Fire Ravens.
    • Compression: Their a Compressed fireball's explosive power of now far surpasses that of a fleet's main guns by quite a margin.
  • Flame Transformation: "They" can now turn into a stream of flame, a huge flaming spear, and a terrifying flaming meteor to attack enemies or travel quickly.
    • Combined with hurricane-like winds, "They" can reach speeds up to 4000-5000 kilometers per hour, increasing with the potion's digestion.
      • "They" can further enhance "Their" speed through the explosive force of flames to continually accelerate, reaching a terrifying speed at the cost of damaging "Their" body which means "They" shouldn't do it for too long.
  • Weakness Investigation: The scope of this ability has been enhanced, allowing targets "They" see be in the overall sense, including Substitutes, Avatars, and manifestations.[23]
    • "They" can then find the weak points in this whole. if combined with Cull and the target doesn't have enough Substitutes or Avatars, "They" can wipe them all out at once.
  • Cull: Its power has been greatly enhanced, which, when in combination of Weakness Investigation, make it so that even those in the Demoness Pathway can't take a few of such blows.[23]
  • Weapon Augmentation: "They" can make materials like wood and paper as strong as the Sword of Courage, which "They" can launch at high speeds over distances at several times the sound barrier.[24]
    • The Augmentation range has been enhanced to several hundred kilometers.
  • Chain of Command: This hidden line of command "They" had since "They" became an Iron-blooded Knight have been massively enhanced.
    • "Their" previous abilities' of Strength Concentration and Strength Gathering has been massively enhanced, now allowing for a 10 kilometer range in those abilities' effects.
    • "They" can allow every team member to use "Their" Beyonder powers simultaneously while also lending them the corresponding Spirituality if needed.
      • "They" can only share one ability with each team member at a time.[38]
    • "They" are able to use borrowed ability of "Their" army, along one of "Their" abilities from the Chain of Command to achieve new and unique effects.
      • By borrowing powers of Manipulator, and attaching it to "Their" Communication, teammates would transmit all inner thoughts or fleeting ideas to their companions.[39]
  • Galvanization: "Their" ability to turn into steel no longer turns "Them" into ordinary steel, but closer to the symbolism of "steel", able to withstand attacks that would normally destroy or melt real steel.[23]
    • "They" can transform "Their" flames into actual weapons or iron-black armor., though "They" could only maintain this for about 10 minutes.[40]
  • Fog of War: The War Bishop's ability to produce a Fog of War has been greatly enhanced at "Their" level. At even higher Levels "Their" Fog of War may even affect the Astral World.
    • The range that "Their" Fog of War can initially expand to is 20 kilometers, which will continue increase as "Their" potion is further digested.
    • The War Bishop's trait of being unaffected by anything while within the Fog of War can now be shared with "Their" own team members.
    • At "Their" current level, the Fog of War "They" form now has the ability to interfere with outside Divination and Prophecy.
  • Ritualist of War (Petitioning): "They" can now Petition the essence of war or the symbolic "war" for assistance once every week, borrowing its strength to help achieve certain victories.[23]
    • In special environments or circumstances, this allows "Them" to turn "Their" flames into a dark-red, nearly purple flame, and temporarily gain the powers of Conquest.[41][42]

Mythical Creature Form

  • "They" become a complete Mythical Creature, "Their" Mythical Creature form is a 5-6 meter tall Calamity Giant, an iron-black metal skeleton engulfed in majestic purple flames, along with various symbolic elements representing real phenomena.[33]
    • A Calamity Giant would ignite those who witness and approach "Them",[23] while the unfathomable knowledge emanating from "Them" would materialize various weather phenomena.[35]
      • "They" will also gain some sort of intuition and control over the phenomena "They" manifest to better improve "Their" chances in certain situations and scenarios.
      • If "They" don't suppress and restrain "Their" psyche, the weather will gradually become more volatile and extreme within the area "They" reside in, and the probability of wars and massacre events occurring will continually increase.[23]

Sequence 1: Conqueror[]


  • Conquest: "They" can release an aura of supremacy, subjugating everything.[42]
    • "They" are able to channel "Their" will into "Their" opponents, Conquering "Their" existence.[43][44]
    • Objects and environments can be Conquered and be transformed into "Their" soldiers.
      • Sauron-Einhorn-Medici, through "His" Conquering authority, deployed life-like metallic figurines infused with Beyonder Characteristics, instantly showing the formidable strength of "His" legion while implementing "His" plans.[45]
      • Vermonda Sauron let out a scream, scorching the ground with purple flames as earth puppets crawled out. These 3 to 4 meter tall puppets charred with an iron hue and speckled in dark-red blood became "His" soldiers in battle. [33]
      • Diest's soybeans transformed into giants with blurred faces and yellowish skin while "His" various palm-sized iron soldiers sprang into life and had expanded in size, joining the battle against Vermonda Sauron.[41]
      • Lumian Lee's Sword of Destruction tore the surrounding Mirror World into fragments, each fragment was Conquered to be turned into a soldier that shot Black Flame composed short arrows towards Judith.[42]
      • Through the soldiers made from “His" Conjured flames, Lumian Lee possessed a ready made army that can use "His" own Spirituality and activate "His" own Beyonder powers and Contract abilities.[46]

Strengthened Abilities

  • Galvanization: When "They" Galvanize "Their" bodies, "They" can materialize an iron-black blood-stained armor whose mystical and physical defenses reach a level not much inferior to a Hand of God.[47]
  • Chain of Command: "They" are akin to the ruler of an entire army.
    • Strength Gathering: "They" can enable "Their" soldiers to share "Their" rank by simultaneously sharing all of "Their" abilities and Spirituality; its only drawback is the mass expenditure of Spirituality that is caused by such feat.[48]
  • Pyrokinesis: "Their" flames now burns in a pure violet color.[23]

Sequence 0: Red Priest[]


Red represents the red of war and Priest can be understood as the ritualist of strength. This combined makes the Red Priest the embodiment of War.[49]


  • Destruction: As one of the parts of the Fourth Pillar, "His" core authority is a branch of the symbolism of endings, being able to Destroy all kinds of material and conceptual things.[50]
    • The mere clench of "His" fist can strike the void ahead, making it crack inch by inch as the surrounding space-time within a large area will collapse.[51]
  • Masculinity: As a masculine aspect of The Original Creator and representation of Yang Energy, "He" possesses some authority over male forces and concepts.[52]
    • "He" can transform living beings and inanimate objects into males.[52]
  • War: As the embodiment of War, "He" can actively cause chaos and War amongst many, giving rise to destructive impulses hiding in the hearts of all.[49][53]
    • Chain of Command: "He" is the Ruler of War who rules above countless soldiers.
      • Strength Gathering: "He" can share all "His" soldiers' Beyonder powers within "His" army.[54]
      • "He" can exchange positions with "His" team anytime.[53]
    • Fog of War: "His" Fog of War has been greatly enhanced and strengthened at "His" level.
  • Conquest: "He" is capable of Conquering anything, even abstract concepts.
    • The easiest application is to make things submit to "Him" and turn into "His" soldiers; even Angels, lifeless things, and information can become soldiers of "Him" and fight.
    • The natural aura of Conquest that "He" exudes is so overwhelming that even True Deities and "Their" corresponding abilities may bow "Their" heads to "Him".[46]
      • The emergence of Lumian Lee's hands from the Door of Summoning caused a group of Sanguines to submit and bow their heads involuntarily. [55]
    • "His" Divine Kingdom is formed through completely Conquering a land, battlefield, or special area. This is a deeper conceptualization of Conquest.
      • Any living being entering the Divine Kingdom, without corresponding protection or sufficient rank, would immediately become a soldier of the Red Priest.

Strengthened Abilities

  • Pyrokinesis: "His" flames are now transparent and colorless. If "He" asks for power from the City of Calamity, "His" flames will be blood red.[23]


  1. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 27
  2. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 214
  3. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 149
  4. 4.0 4.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 44
  5. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 30
  6. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 60
  7. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 49
  8. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 50
  9. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 552
  10. 10.0 10.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 103
  11. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 511
  12. 12.0 12.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 242
  13. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 46
  14. 14.0 14.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 435
  15. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 494
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 691
  17. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 517
  18. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 466
  19. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 708
  20. 20.0 20.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 650
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1090
  22. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 746
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 23.18 23.19 23.20 23.21 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1086
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1093
  25. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1087
  26. 26.0 26.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 844
  27. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1083
  28. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1163
  29. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1167
  30. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1083
  31. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1165
  32. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1087
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 476
  34. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 480
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1083
  36. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1085
  37. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1096
  38. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1093
  39. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1092
  40. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1100
  41. 41.0 41.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 480
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1105
  43. 43.0 43.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 490
  44. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 491
  45. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1112
  46. 46.0 46.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1132
  47. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1105
  48. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1113
  49. 49.0 49.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 484
  50. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1132
  51. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1173
  52. 52.0 52.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1140
  53. 53.0 53.1 Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1167
  54. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1138
  55. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 1146

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