Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Circle of Inevitability," is complete, and many articles include updates about its events and developments, which contain major spoilers. It's recommended to leave this wiki if you haven't finished reading.


Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Second Law Pathway is empowered with abilities over disease, decay and inevitable death. Beyonders of this Pathway can lead all things to death and their destruction. "They" have authorities over Decay, Certain Death, and the End of Time.[1]

This Pathway is one of the new Pathways introduced in Circle of Inevitability. It exists outside the standard 22 Pathways, but is still classified into Sequence 9 to Sequence 0.[2]

On Earth, the Beyonders of this Pathway do not advance through Potions, but by praying to the Outer Deity, Monarch of Decay, who is the Above the Sequence of this Pathway. Possible Adjacent Pathways are unknown. The corresponding Sefirah is the Monarch of Decay's currently unnamed Sefirah.

Based on the fact that Higdon felt a deep-seated attraction from more profound factors towards Demoness Pathway Beyonders,[3] it's likely that the Second Law Pathway is compatible with the Demoness Pathway and the Red Priest Pathway.

Sequence Levels[]

Second Law Pathway Index
Sequence Name
Low Sequence
9 Patient
8 Secretary
Mid Sequence
7 Vermin
6 Disease Envoy
5 Child of Decay
High Sequence - Saint
4 Doomed One
3 Left Hand of Decay
High Sequence - Angel
2 Time Giant
1 God of Decay
True God
0 Second Law

Corresponding Ingredients[]


Mythical Creature Form[]

Time Giant


  • Due to the number of Sequences, the author won't be able to fully explore all of the Outer Deity pathways in Book 2. Therefore, he has decided to reveal this pathway settings, as a bonus release on October 4th.[1]


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