Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Sublunary Eye Pathway (尘世之眼 Chénshì zhī yǎn, Eye of the Mortal Realm) has the powers of territory creation, true sight and realization. The three key concepts for the low and mid-sequence this Pathway are: Painting, Imagination and Reality.[Note 1] As the sequence progresses, especially after Sequence 4, the abilities start to align more with string theory and the concept of Dimensions.[1] This Pathway is a mix of the two pathways, Fantasy Pathway and Dimension Pathway, under the Outer Deity High-Dimensional Overseer.[2]

This Pathway is one of the new Pathways introduced in Circle of Inevitability. It can harness the power of alternate realities and bring fantasy into reality. It exists outside the standard 22 Pathways, but is still classified into Sequence 9 to Sequence 0.[3]

On Earth, the Beyonders of this Pathway do not advance through Potions, but by praying to the Outer Deity High-Dimensional Overseer, who is the Above the Sequence of this Pathway. Possible Adjacent Pathways are unknown. The corresponding Sefirah is the High-Dimensional Overseer's currently unnamed Sefirah.

This Pathway bears a resemblance to the Door Pathway in that it can harness powers from alternate dimensions and spacetime.[4]

It also bears some resemblance to the Visionary Pathway in that it can create alternate worlds, realms and entities, but is fundamentally distinct. One derives its power primarily from the mind, while the other seems to harness the qualities and might of alternate dimensions or alternate spaces to manifest entities.[4]

Sequence Levels[]

Sublunary Eye Pathway Index
Sequence Name
Low Sequence
9 Shaman
8 Reporter
Mid Sequence
7 Painter
6 Literary Aficionado
5 Pixie
High Sequence - Saint
4 Visitor
3 String Player
High Sequence - Angel
2 Dimensional Shadow
1 Observer
True God
0 Sublunary Eye

Corresponding Ingredients[]


Mythical Creature Form[]

Dimensional Shadow: a shadowy figure traversing different dimensions


  • This Pathway is influenced from String Theory and the teachings of Wang Yangming (王阳明), a prominent Chinese philosopher of the Ming dynasty and a key figure in the Neo-Confucian School of Mind (心学, xinxue). Wang Yangming's philosophy emphasizes the unity of knowledge and action (知行合一) and the idea that the mind is the root of all phenomena.
  1. Reality comes from the idea that, from a higher dimension, the world can be perceived differently and is a different form of reality, unlike how we can only perceive things in 2D or 3D.


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