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Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
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“There are some things that make it easier to be ‘infected’ the more you know.”
This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS relating to some of the most pivotal parts of the "Lord of Mysteries" and "Circle of Inevitability".

You can address me as…The Fool.

— Klein Moretti
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 6

Klein Moretti is the main protagonist of Lord of Mysteries, and a character of Circle of Inevitability.

"He" is the current owner of the Sefirah Castle, and Half a Lord of Mysteries with authorities over the Fool, Door and Error Pathways. "He" is also the mysterious leader of the Tarot Club known as The Fool and a Transmigrator who comes from the modern era. From year 1352 of the Fifth Epoch, "He" became the God of the Church of the Fool.

Honorific Names[]

The Fool[]

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era;
The Mysterious Ruler above the gray fog;
The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.”

Honorific Name of The Fool[39][40]

Sea God Kalvetua[]

“Blessed of the sea and spirit world;
Guardian of the Rorsted Archipelago;
Ruler of the Undersea Creatures;
Master of Tsunamis and Storms;
The Great Kalvetua.”

Gehrman Sparrow[]

  • Current
  • Former

“The Blessed of the Spirit World and the Sefirah Castle;
The Mystery stemming from ancient times;
The witness of an extended history;
Protector of all poor children in Backlund;
The great Gehrman Sparrow.”

— Current Honorific Name of Gehrman Sparrow[42]

“The Blessed of the Spirit World and the Sefirah Castle;
The Mystery stemming from ancient times;
The witness of an extended history;
Protector of Backlund magic and drama performers;
The great Gehrman Sparrow.”

— Former Honorific Name of Gehrman Sparrow[43]

Sacred Emblem[]

Sacred Emblem - Church of the Fool2

Sacred Emblem of the Fool is Pupil-less Eye and the Contorted Lines; represented secrecy and change.[44]


Zhou Mingrui: A young man with dark brown eyes and short black hair. His facial features were unremarkable, and he appeared refined, but he had obvious eye bags with an inkling of a double chin.[45] He wore glasses.[46]

Klein Moretti: "His" original body has black hair, brown eyes, an average-looking face, a deep outline, and is thinly built. Klein also has a distinct scholarly air to "Him". "His" refined aura is further reinforced by the valuable suits "He" dressed with and the canes "He" held on all occasions.

After becoming The Fool: "His" facial features are a mix of Klein Moretti and Gehrman Sparrow. "He" wears an illusory mask with blank facial features (uniqueness of the Fool pathway) and wears a black windbreaker. "He" wears a pair of black gloves (uniqueness of the Error pathway) and holds a staff inlaid with star speckles (uniqueness of the Door pathway).

"He" is often forced to hide "His" identity by shapeshifting with the aid of his powers as a Fool Pathway's Beyonder. Like this, "He" created distinct appearances matching "His" different names:

  • Sherlock Moriarty: Brown eyes, slightly long black hair, average-featured face with some stubs of facial hair, thin yet with a moderately muscular build.
  • Gehrman Sparrow: A young gentleman with gold-rimmed glasses, neat black hair and dark brown eyes. He looks colder and sharper than Sherlock or Klein. Gehrman refined demeanor and gloomy aura make him appear as an experienced, ruthless adventurer.
  • Dwayne Dantès: A middle-aged gentleman with a mature appearance, deep-blue eyes, black hair with few silver strands, and profound gaze. Someone who exhibits the aura of a person who had experienced the vicissitudes of life.
  • Merlin Hermes: A wandering magician, he wears a black robe and classic hat. He looked nothing special.
  • Full
  • Cropped


From the beginning, you’ve been a guardian. You imitated others until you were imitated by others.

Azik's Letter
on Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1394

Klein Moretti has exhibited a cautious and good-natured personality. "He" is humorous, polite, mature, and gentlemanly. Fundamentally a lover of justice, "He" will not hesitate to do what is right even at personal cost. As an ordinary citizen of Earth who transmigrated suddenly into a dangerous world, Klein was naturally a bit fearful and indecisive at first. But during the short span of time following "His" transmigration, Klein experienced a lot of dangerous or tragic situations. "He" became the leader of a secret organization, killed numerous monsters and humans, and finally evolved into a Beyonder surpassing the boundaries of a human being (aka Saint, Angel). Klein indeed became much more ruthless, confident, and mysterious. "His" experiences notwithstanding, Klein still preserves the core of his personality as one who is cautious, yet will uphold justice where necessary and not involve or target the innocent. He is also afraid that going against his principles could push him closer to losing control.[48][49] Not harming the innocent is something he wishes for and a precaution against corruption and madness.[50]

The current transmigrator is like the original Klein, "He" is interested in history and cares about his appearance. Klein immediately became a sophisticated and socialite person known for "His" elegant style as soon as "He" could afford the cost of the different clothes and accessories. Together with his humorous disposition and status as a Beyonder of the Fool Pathway, "He" gave off an amiable and mysterious aura. As for the interest in the history of the transmigrator, it can be explained in a lot of ways: remnant memories of the history graduate; the natural curiosity of a transmigrator; learning more to survive; Pathway related to mysteries, etc.

Moreover, it is worth noting that Klein Moretti had a talent for acting even before becoming a Beyonder treading the Fool Pathway. It was first seen when "He" had the reflex of assuming the attitude of a mystical and powerful entity called The Fool during "his" first trip in The Gray Fog. Klein then became much better at posing and faking identities as "He" progressed in the sequences of his Pathway with the Acting Method.

Identities Klein assumed:[]

  • The Fool: The Fool is an old god that seeks to revive and reclaim his authority. "He" is mysterious and seems to be executing "His" will through the Tarot Club. "He" does not speak often, especially in later meetings, and only gives hints to Tarot Club members. "He" also does not allow members to offend "Him" and punished Cattleya once she let out hints about "Him".
  • Sherlock Moriarty: Klein did not take much effort distinguishing Sherlock from Klein, so in many ways, they are similar, except that Sherlock is good at deduction and is a great detective.
  • Gehrman Sparrow/The World: He is a crazy adventurer who began to hunt pirates on the sea before being involved in many Beyonders' incidents at the Demigod level. He doesn't talk much, stays cold and calm all the time while being very assertive with others. Gehrman is also known as The World of the Tarot Club, a mad believer and the Angel of Redemption of The Fool.
  • Dwayne Dantès: A mysterious tycoon from Desi Bay and a devout believer of Evernight Goddess. He came to Backlund to seek new opportunities, and to a certain extent, tries to enter the upper hierarchy of Backlund nobles. In fact, he was an adventurer who accumulated wealth in the Southern Continent, and since the fortune was not gained in a completely legal way, he came to Backlund to clean up the fortune. If any official Beyonders wish to dig deeper than this, they would then discover that he is a cheat who disguises himself as a rich man and makes big investments for the final scam. He is known as a womanizer because of Arrodes.
  • Mr. Clown: When his shadow and part of spirit were corrupted by Sasrir's will, he called on Audrey's historical projection to help him build a virtual personality that will prevent him from losing control. His right half body was Gehrman and his left half body was a myriad of translucent spirit maggots. His behavior had become frivolous, absurd, and reckless, he would joke around and didn't care much about politeness. His craziness and frightening gestures brought fear to others. But it was all just an appearance he put towards others and he still kept his sense.
  • Merlin Hermes: A wandering magician who travels and grants people's wishes. “He” is the creator of the Fully Automatic Wishing Machine, a machine that can supposedly grant its users three wishes. However, it was actually Merlin Hermes granting the wishes. "He" calls himself the Miracle Magician and servant of "The Fool, Lord of Mysteries, Great Ruler of the Spirit World."

Contracted Messenger[]

His contracted creature in the name of Gehrman Sparrow, named Reinette Tinekerr. “She” asks for one gold coin for each letter sent.

Klein had hired an artisan to make a silver-white harmonica to simplified summoning incantation. It can used for a year and a half.[51]

"The spirit that wanders about the unfounded,
The friendly creature that can be subordinated,
The messenger that belongs to Gehrman Sparrow."

— Klein's messenger summoning incantation[52]


  • Zhou Mingrui was "His" original name before "He" transmigrated. "His" profession is leaning towards Majors in the field of engineering and physics. The place of his birth on Earth in China is somewhere in the Southwest.[53][54]
  • Zhou Mingrui is a hardware engineer. He likes single player games, but as a corporate slave he has no time and can only play mobile games.[56]
  • It was confirmed by the author, Zhou Mingrui and Klein Moretti have the same birthday on March 4th.[54]
  • “In the modern day” side story it’s revealed that Zhou Mingrui is tone deaf.
  • It was on Earth that "He" learned a method to control an area of The Gray Fog, allowing "Him" to create the Tarot Club by posing as a strange and powerful entity while "He" was not even Beyonder yet. The club was thus created on a false assumption that Audrey Hall and Alger Wilson imagined during the first meeting.
  • "He" chose the nickname of The Fool with the tarot card in mind. "He" did not know at the time that it was also the name of the Sequence 0 (Godhood) belonging to the Fool Pathway and that the tarot card of "The Fool" could hide the corresponding Card of Blasphemy.
  • The last line of The Fool honorific name ‘The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck’ shared a similar meaning to the honorific name of ‘The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth’.[39] In Chinese, Yellow refers to Earth, and Black refers to Heaven.[57]
  • Klein's epitaph on the tombstone in Raphael Cemetery, Tingen City: ‘The best elder brother, The best younger brother, The best colleague.’[58]
  • Each of "His" identity names has a reference from various media in the real-life world:
    • Sherlock Moriarty: A combination of names from the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his nemesis, James Moriarty. The fictional characters in the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
    • Gehrman Sparrow: Gehrman is a reference to Gehrman, the First Hunter, a boss character in Bloodborne. And Captain Jack Sparrow, the protagonist of the Pirate of the Caribbean.
    • Dwayne Dantès: Dantès is a reference to a famous avenger, Edmond Dantès from The Count of the Monte Cristo, a French adventure novel written in 1844.
    • Merlin Hermes: Merlin refers to the legendary wizard featured in Arthurian legend. And Hermes is originated from Greek Mythology, who is the Herald of the Gods, Protector of travelers and merchants.
  • Ever since he acquainted himself with Frank Lee, Klein had quit drinking milk.[59]
  • He has a mild fear of heights.[60]
  • After the incident in Bayam, "His" identity as Gehrman Sparrow was on the Wanted list, with a bounty of 50,000 pounds.[38] And has reached 90,000 pounds in volume 5.[37]
  • Both Medici and Sasrir said "He" has a great talent for being a Provoker.[61][62][63]
  • Snakes is the animal "He"'s scared the most because of his psychological trauma in the past. When "He" was a child, "He" liked to secretly open the bedroom door and watch movies with "His" parents through a crack at midnight. Unfortunately, "his" parents once watched the Calamity of Snakes (1983). One scene was involved demolition of a building. The result was the unearthing of a large nest of snakes, and them squirming remained deeply imprinted in "His" mind.[64]


  1. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 8
  2. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 263
  3. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 215
  4. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 382
  5. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 483
  6. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 550
  7. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 633
  8. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 722
  9. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 737
  10. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1097
  11. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1252
  12. 12.0 12.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1290
  13. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1033
  14. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1247
  15. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1345
  16. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1182
  17. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 550
  18. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 653
  19. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 950
  20. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 291
  21. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1380
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1387
  23. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1
  24. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 209
  25. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1168
  26. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1349
  27. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1380
  28. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1268
  29. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1352
  30. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 30
  31. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1
  32. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 215
  33. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1017
  34. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 742
  35. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 5
  36. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 619
  37. 37.0 37.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1035
  38. 38.0 38.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 734
  39. 39.0 39.1 Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 58
  40. Circle of Inevitability, Chapter 109
  41. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 545
  42. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1177
  43. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1139
  44. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 61
  45. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 454
  46. In Modern Day (Side Story), Chapter 2
  47. Inaccurate Illustration, was removed from the Official account
  48. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 233
  49. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 513
  50. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 548
  51. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 635
  52. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 561
  53. Discord International AMA with the Author of LoTM
  54. 54.0 54.1 1st Anniversary Cuttlefish's Interview
  55. Namu wiki
  56. Q&A at Cuttlefish's book signing event
  57. Color in Chinese culture
  58. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 211
  59. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 687
  60. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 895
  61. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1086
  62. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1110
  63. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 1254
  64. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 259

See Also[]

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