- 007 and Franca discuss the previous events, Franca requested ingredients for the Pleasure potion for Jenna as a reward.
- Lumian had a meeting with Madam Magican, explaining his observations at the True Creator's Cathedral.
- Lumian requested to explore Mr. Hanged Man's Ghost Ship.
- Lumian contemplated two paths to complete the ritual for Iron-Blooded Knight, becoming a Mr. of Aurora Order or taming Ludwig.
- Ludwig explained his pathway and revealed the effects of eating Ombella’s umbilical cord.
- Lumian got on the Blue Avenger ship, triggering an anomaly whick took him to Alista Tudor's throne.
- Lumian looked into a mirror which tries transform into Alista.
- Lumian gained the formula for Demoness of Despair. a sword with an Iron-blood Knight characteristic, and a corpse wax candle.
- Lumian learned that with the bloodline of Great Mother, a betrayl from a direct relative, and being female, he can use a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact briefly.
- Ludwig made the Source of Life from the umbilical cord, giving Lumian the bloodline of Great Mother. Lumian dreamed of a girl crying "mommy".
- The elderly catacombs administrator revealed he and Lumian are of the same kind. He mentioned an outsider who did not resemble an Intisian, Loenese, or Feysacian. Lumian suspected the man was Harrison and told Franca.
- The Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun's sealed artifact 1-147 was returned.
- Franca suspected Resurrection Island is the nexus where two worlds connect and informed the Curly-Baboon Club. Hela reacts strangely.
- Lumian gained the Harvest Priest Potion and Franca sold the Demoness of Pleasure ingredients to Jenna.
- Lumian recieved a letter from Knight of Swords requesting help.
- Lugano advanced to Harvest Priest.
- Lumian had the time to check devil whisper a sealed artifact made from Hisoka.
- Lumian met with knight of sword and was asked to help find Oxyto from rose school of thought.
- All the victim of him died from childbirth and their birthday is the 2nd day of each year, as the great mother was born in the second day.
- Lumian plan on using his bloodline, Ludwig sense of the child within 30 meter radius and Franca and Jenna demoness charm to find Oxyto.
- Ludwig sense something but they had left his range instead of chasing they decide to eat first and happen to eat at the same place as Franca and Jenna.
- Lumian suspect that sequence 4 Paramite was following Franca and Jenna but then sense them so they cut off the connection.
- Lumian theorize that Oxyto was here because she want to merge the local spirit realm into Paramite and had partially succeeded which is why Maric can’t sense her.
- Lumian found Oxyto Paramite by using death mask and underworld seal, he asked them to attach to him as he will lead them into Paramite.
- Lumian tried to teleport but it forbidden and he need to cross the river of Styx, there a ferryman
- He went into what look like a cathedral and there was the body of Abscessed Hand with a demon eating it.
- The demon made a deal with Lumian for the body, at first it killing Farbatui than it change to getting an bird egg in death palace.
- In the palace was the corpse of Gregrace that was put to sleep, under it was the egg.
- They fight the bird-claw infant that was going to the corpse.
- Lumian killed it by throwing his sword of courage and he resonate with the creature inside the egg, hearing “Omebella where are you?”
- The corpse was awakening so they had to quickly escape, they escape to the cathedral.
- The demon said that Lumian took the egg for himself and attack him.
- They drove away the demon and left the underworld with Madam Magican help.
- Madam Magican explain the grade 0 artifacts and Lumain asked to go to city of exile but she said to relax for a few day.
- Lumian told his friend what happened and Franca complain that she haven’t fully digest pleasure, Lumian gain an idea and said if he use the fate fragment from Moran lust outbreak on an pirate admiral she would digest her pleasure significantly.
- The sun church killed the traitor Peacock but he was a wax figure, they had a lead to follow as not many can make a wax figure good enough to initially fool an angel.
- Lumian decide to target Admiral Deep Sea, Howl Constantine.
- Mason summon Lumian messager so that Lumian can gain the coordinate of Banamo Island.
- 007 got an letter that show the ritual to summon rabbit messager in case of emergency.
- Lumian gain info on each pirate admiral enemy.
- Lumian provoked all the pirate in Banamo Island to have either Admiral Deep Sea himself to fight him or his top men.
- Pirate admiral man arrived at bar, Lumian use bottle of fiction trapping them then teleport out to go on Admiral Deep Sea ship.
- They fought Admiral Deep Sea.
- Admiral Deep sea felt great pleasure and the octopus on his faces fell off, Franca had fully digested her potion and she notice that he look like a mixed eastern.
- They teleported away and the admiral escape leaving his crew.
- Franca use mirror divination and learned that Admiral Deep Sea is an half elf.
- Franca got a letter from 007 saying they have lead on mirror people and want them to follow up.
- They decide to leave as they can’t find the Admiral mans, maybe they had already left.
- The rabbit asked for boxing glove as it want to give it to another rabbit to be it Blazing Danitz.
- Lumian gave new task for Mason to keep an eye on the port for any sign of the admiral.
- Franca burn herself and completed the ritual, advancing to Affliction
- She explained her new ability’s and Lumian said he will be going to Lemberg.
- Jenna is going to visit her brother and pack her luggage, Franca seeing the empty room understand something and her Affliction Potion had been somewhat digested.
- Lumian met Sallent while on train to Azshara and he got arrested after getting off.
- He got put in a jail cell and met the other prisoners, they introduce their name and crimes.
- The final verdict came and it is exile, they were lead down to a large brass double doors.
- There a puppet named Heraberg, Lumian want to be experiential personnel as they get in contact with 0-01.
- Worm steal Lumian Traveler Bag and look into it, he was killed by getting out a leather that made him gain a disease than he got out lighting brooth which made lighting stuck him.
- Lumian got his traveler bag back and enforcer arrived.
- Lumian asked questioned and he get to keep the characteristic of Worm, he figure out that the enforcer are like wax figures.
- Lumian check for the location of Abscess Hand and it was in a bar, inside the bar was Albus Medici who he suspect to be an agent for the Red Angel Medici.
- The food the bar serve was cut off from Abscess Hand.
- Lumian challenged the bar owner to a duel, the bar owner was a sequence 5 Depriver of the Gourmet Path.
- Lumain got the body part and Lez one of the criminal arrived, Lumian let him use the kitchen to cook food for him.
- Lumian give Lez the job, he will have all the money but he will cook for him.
- Lumian learned the most dangerous person is Wanak, next up is Gusain the one who told Lumian this.
- Gusain invited Lumian to join their group that want to upraise and control the city, if he accept he need to hang a red cloth.
- Lumian met Wanak and escaped, he arrived at a graveyard where Abscuss Hand head was buried, there was a box with a ear and letter written by Albus Medici who said that he gotten the head and hid it.
- Lez hired Julie as waitress and Lumian learned that she a former man turned demoness who had weird hobby to get his part back and he suspect she had something to do with primordial demoness.
- Lumian track her down as she left, she wait for a team of enforcer with a woman named Celeste, when she saw her she said her name but Celeste doesn’t recognize her.
- Lumian suspect that Celeste recognize Julie but pretend not to, he decide to get in contact with her but first he wait to see if Celeste will secretly apprough Julie.
- Franca learned about the demoness and how they had lost some control over the mirror world as well as that god are unique there only one of them.
- Lumian use mirror cufflink to send a letter that said that he will give all his letter to her.
- The next day, Lumian told Lez people to beware of which include Albus Medici, he noticed that Julie footstep stoped.
- Lumian came to Herberg to see if they gave him any hints but all Herberg told him is to read these books than do a test.
- Lumian grab a book and went back to bar to read it, he told Lez to find a red cloth and hang it on the door.
- Lumian met with Gusain and give him an test to find Albus Medici and Gusain also given Lumian an test to reach 0-01
- Franca got an letter that said she accept the deal, it was by Amandina.
- Franca ask Amandina what potion pathway she want and she also gave some free mysticism knowledge to gain good will.
- Lumian follow Gusain to fog of war but got ambushed by him and Albus, Gusain is part of iron blood order.
- Lumian went back to the fog of war after he left and saw a oil lamp that resemble his corpse wax candle.
- Lumian put a bunch of random stuff in the oil lamp making it dangerous.
- Mr. Star is willing to give potion formulas of night pathway but he hope for some help from Franca.
- Franca received the letter for offline gathering, she messaged it to Lumian as well as testing whatever she can transport items.
- Lumian told her it work and to go in his place, while he was reading an explosion happened in Wanak company and he check it out only to get attacked by an iron soldier.
- Lumian and Wanak formed an temporary alliance.
- Lumian got an dream after he finishing reading the book, when he take the test the question is about his dream, he answer truthfully and Herberg said that he doesn’t need to read as much book as before.
- Franca disguised herself as Aurora using lie and went into the offline gathering while there she learn that hidden Sage had gotten more mad ever since the hostel project.
- Periodic Table suspect Nikila is an mirror person and took out an contact that if Nikila is not mirror person she can’t kill him.
- Wanak trap is ready and Gusain lit up the oil lamp and got corrupted, making an explosion.
- Albus fought with Gusain and tried to escape but than got jumped by Lumian and others.
- Albus escaped and Lumian teleported away leaving the other to deal with Gusain.
- Franca, Jenna, Anthony ambush Nikila forcing him toward the mirror.
- They wanted to interrogate him but Hidden Sage knowledge infusion came in the worst time and he was so weaken that he will lose control so they quickly kill him.
- After he died, Franca perform magic mirror divination to interrogate him.
- Lumian told Julie that there might be mirror people here in Morora.
- Julie investigated and found out the mirror people has infiltrated and told Lumian.
- Lumian had the nightmare, he need to slow down just like what Herberg had said.
- Franca spit the spoil and Hermit will be dealing with Kmerolos.
- Hermit arrived at an empty cave expect for the pool of blood, she burn the blood and the blood formed word that she can’t understand, she decide to take it with her to ask an high rank Cryptologist.
- Lumian had the nightmare again but this time he lucid and he saw enforcer with lantern, the shadow of the lantern leaped to another lantern, an Mirror People just as they stare at each other, he woke up.
- Lumian went to knowledge church and when he return, he saw Lez dead with pleasure from Julie.
- Lumian suspect they left to the mausoleum, he asked Herberg if there any way to listen to the book, Herberg made earplug out of brass sheet.
- Lumian enter the tomb while blindfolded and he plan on finding Abscess Hand head before stopping Julie and Celeste.
- Lumian got the head and keep it on him as he doesn’t want the other part to react yet.
- Lumian came to a place where he felt rain and there was drumming sound with a soft, scratching chuckle
- Lumian saw what he seen in his dream, it a powerful hallucination blending reality and illusion, he felt his marks activating, the danger here saw Lumian as one of their own.
- Lumian saw a different scene, he saw an iron black armor, the one wearing it is Guei, when the scene vanished Lumian think he was the mirror person who had infiltrated Morora.
- Lumain suspect that if he read all the book and his corruption is high enough 0-01 will see him as one of it puppet making Lumian able to approach it.
- Lumian got attacked by puppet solider, Albus was the one controlling it, it a gift from the red angel, he was testing Lumian and want to cooperate with him as the demoness held a dangerous item.
- Lumian asked what item and Albus said it was one of the five created by Primordial Demoness before her slumber, it can make the bearer an vessel for their descent and even without the descent they still gain sequence 4 power.
- Wanak was ahead and Lumian went past him as he was more like a sentient puppet and will see Lumian as one of their own.
- Lumian got attacked by Julie and he got out the headless corpse.
- Jenna had fully digested the witch potion and her spiritual intuition said it best to advance right now.
- Lumian teleported away just as Albus arrived and saw Julie summon an meteor at him and Wanak.
- Albus managed to escaped and Wanak was killed but he turned into a undead, Undead Wakank and Julie battle.
- Not long after they all felt the world shaking and the sound of the void cracking as Abscessed Hand had finally reattached it head.
- Lumian had teleported near Albus as the choice are limited.
- They found out they were in a special mirror world around 0-01, Julie with the ring gain limited access to its power which is how she could use such strong attack.
- The Abscessed Hand broke though the mirror world and tried to reattach, Julie and Wanak attacked the body but failed as it rapidly regenerate.
- He begin to change to a beautiful women but something is stopping it, the Abscesses Hand open her eyes revealing a beautiful crystalline scarlet eyes.
- Lumian teleported away, Julie summon a meteor but got chocked canceling the meteor, the sky crack and out came flames from 0-01 for she have godhood.
- Julie and Wanak attack her but she lived and regenerate. Julie is being taken over by 0-01 so she active divine descent, she turn to Lumian.
- Jenna take the potion and met with Krismona and asked who her father, she replied Alista Tudor.
- Everything turn grey, making Lumian turn to stone but when his eye open again he was fine.
- He heard Albus that he escape by traveling the mirror world.
- Lumian wonder why he survived and he saw Julie become blood about to land on 0-01, Albus chase after it and Lumian got out devil whisper.
- He sense for Mirror person Guei and teleport to corrupt Guei leading him to the others.
- Albus was stuck in mirror maze and failed to get out as Celeste could also use special mirror power.
- Albus use Medici name to break free and they saw Lumian so they attack him.
- Lumian attack back with the monster following him, the monster was defeated and Lumian teleport to the peak.
- They had a battle royale, Lumian lose his strength and drop his sword even Albus felt ill.
- This was done by Celeste as they knew they will face hunters so they use a grade 1 sealed artifact a mystic plague that can last in fire and using the special mirror power to spread it though the mirrors.
- Albus tricked Celeste making her look at 0-01, she got corrupted and Albus took this chance to kill her.
- She was killed and Lumian teleported around to get his sword and Celeste sealed artifact.
- Lumian told Albus that the mausoleum need darkness and where there being above sequence 5, 0-01 burn the place creating light, which bring the abnormality.
- The abnormality made everyone head get pulled up with their spine.
- Albus managed to get his blood on 0-01 and escaped to the special mirror world.
- Julie blood also managed to land on 0-01 and Herberg made the place dark again.
- Lumian became 0-01 proxy and Herberg told him that he could leave the way he came as they were never forbidden from leaving.
- Jenna left as the demoness of black might be seeing Franca.
- The Demoness of black want to know if Lumian had become the proxy of 0-01.
- Mr. Star confirmed the first task.
- Mr.Star want Franca to translate but it was oracle bone/bronze script that she doesn’t understand.
- She want to ask the curly baboon help to translate as some might know it.
- Jenna want Lumain to help her digest her potion and give reasons why not do it with Franca.
- They did it and when Lumian left, she had a tear in her eye.
- Anthony said the three people who he is investigating met the same person, that person look like Harrison.
- Franca and Jenna made a plan to lure Harrison by the converge of Lumian bringing Amandina to the women spring to meet underworld daoist.
- They ready and Amandina was transported to Trier by the mirror world.
- Lumian and Amandina went to the spring and Amandina heard underworld daoist said something but she can’t understand.
- She advance to sequence 6 Soul Assurer and Harrison didn’t appear.
- Amandina left and Lumian repeat the word Amandina heard, “Be careful, Penglia.
- In a few day, they will summon armored shadow, Franca plan on asking if it understand Mr.Star text.
- Lumian tell Franca about how he help Jenna digest.
- Franca felt hurt and Lumian had to make a choice of whatever to become an demoness or have a threesome, Lucian agreed to the threesome but she had to ask Jenna.
- Franca told Jenna her past like she a man and she not from this world.
- They summon Armored shadow and it translated the document.
- Franca asked the armored shadow to project the corpse floating in Penguli, they saw the corpse look like Harrison.
- Mr.Star received the letter and awarded Franca with the potion formula and said that he will give the special coin in the next task.
- Jenna told Lucian he should be the one who initiate with Franca.
- Franca new task is to get water from spring, so they left to go there but they saw Harrison.
- They hide themself and saw that he effectlessly bypass the fog and detected Lumian .
- Trying to steal Lumian traveler bag but Lumian got an hold on it thank to Temiboros warning, they think he is CW man.
- Harrison escaped and they wonder why he way stronger than what a sequence 5 Dream Stealer should be, maybe the way they utilize power is different.
- Maric had a misson for Anthony to hypnotize a servent and ask some question while they are distracting his guard, as a reward he give him the golden coin.
- Anthony successfully hypnotized the servent, he said they are in an orgy to make babies.
- Anthony told them what happen and Lumian will inform Madam Magican, while moving to a safe house.
- There an emergency tarot meeting and Evernight was the one send dream to Mr.Star to pay attention to Harrison.
- Madam Hermit can’t get in contract with Queen of Mystic.
- On the Queen of Mystic ship they arrived at an island and on the ship was Overseer Perle.
Main article: Project Vortex