Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

The Circle of Inevitability," is complete, and many articles include updates about its events and developments, which contain major spoilers. It's recommended to leave this wiki if you haven't finished reading.


Lord of the Mysteries Wiki
Lord of the Mysteries Wiki

Life School of Thought
The Life School of Thought was started by the believers of the moon to escape the repression of the seven orthodox churches.

Their doctrine proposes that the world is divided into three major divisions, the world of absolute rationality, the Spirit World, and the material world. The Life School of Thought specializes in astromancy, seeking to use medicine, music, light, wine, and fragrance, to eliminate paths with unfavorable star readings and fate. They believe that disasters and diseases are caused by the loss of balance between man and nature, as well as the balance between man and his own mind.[1]



  1. Lord of Mysteries, Chapter 237

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